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Thread: The gloss comes off Eck......

  1. #1

    Default The gloss comes off Eck......

    Seems our Alex isn't as popular as he thinks.This was on a Twitter feed about the Olympic parade in Glasgow;

    BBC Scotland's Laura Bicker says "First Minister Alex Salmond is booed by crowds in Glasgow as he is interviewed on the stage."

    STV has edited this out of it's report on the event.But then they are kind of too cosy with the seperatists.Somewhere out there is amateur footage of this and it'll find it's way onto Youtube and then the truth will be there for all to see

  2. #2
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    Nov 2007
    North Shields


    divnt mention this to "piratelassie" LOL.
    Hating people because of their colour is wrong. And it doesn't matter which colour does the hating. It's just plain wrong.
    Muhammad Ali

  3. #3
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    Jan 2002


    The quote from the report was this ......

    Bill Whiteford - " The First Minister has been up on stage too. What kind of reception did he receive?"

    Reporter - "Unfortunately for him, not a great reception" then "Boos echoed round George Sq." then "There were a few boos when he got up on stage".
    Hardly the 50 000 that booed George Osborne! The yes vote is more than Alex Salmond these days thank goodness

  4. #4
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    North Shields


    Quote Originally Posted by squidge View Post
    The quote from the report was this ......

    Hardly the 50 000 that booed George Osborne! The yes vote is more than Alex Salmond these days thank goodness

    I also booed Osborne even though I wasn't there.
    Hating people because of their colour is wrong. And it doesn't matter which colour does the hating. It's just plain wrong.
    Muhammad Ali

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by squidge View Post
    The quote from the report was this ......
    Hardly the 50 000 that booed George Osborne! The yes vote is more than Alex Salmond these days thank goodness
    The First Minister can’t have liked it very much. It can’t be a pleasant experience for anybody to get booed by a crowd but for Mr Salmond, it must have been galling.
    This was a Scottish crowd in Scotland’s biggest city, a country Mr Salmond regards as his kingdom, where he commands a majority and where he believes – until yesterday that is – that he is really very popular.
    To say it would have pricked the bubble of his pomposity, just for a bit, would be an understatement.
    Last edited by golach; 15-Sep-12 at 12:21.
    Once the original Grumpy Owld Man but alas no more

  6. #6
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    He certainly didn't look happy being interviewed on Sky with Union Flags fluttering all around. People are waking up to the value of the Union.
    'Cause if my eyes don't deceive me,
    There's something going wrong around here

  7. #7
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    People are celebrating the success of the British athletes during the Olympics and rightly so - it has been a phenomenal summer and the sight of the power of endeavour over and over again can only be good for society.

    I am delighted to have watched the olympics and who cares REALLY whether Alex Salmond or George Osborne were booed - There are FAR more FAR more issues than the inflated egos of a few politicians to discuss.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by golach View Post
    The First Minister can’t have liked it very much. It can’t be a pleasant experience for anybody to get booed by a crowd but for Mr Salmond, it must have been galling.
    This was a Scottish crowd in Scotland’s biggest city, a country Mr Salmond regards as his kingdom, where he commands a majority and where he believes – until yesterday that is – that he is really very popular.
    To say it would have pricked the bubble of his pomposity, just for a bit, would be an understatement.
    I think the FM is big enough to realise...a). That not all the people in Scotland love him and... b). A few boo's are not enough for him to give up on the people who want Independence from the UK. Alex will get over this and will probably come back stronger from the experience. I have always believed that Politics and sport should not be mixed together and I hope that Alex will start thinking the same and stay out of sport in future!!


  9. #9


    He's the First Minister of Scotland and was there to congratulate Scottish athletes for their success at the Olympics. If a few Labour supporters want to use the occasion to boo him then I feel sorry for them.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by MrChow View Post
    He's the First Minister of Scotland and was there to congratulate Scottish athletes for their success at the Olympics. If a few Labour supporters want to use the occasion to boo him then I feel sorry for them.
    He was there to dance in the usual.But please,tell us why you assume the people who booed him were Labour supporters.
    And here's a link to the video where you hear what the people think of him.Enjoy...........

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by squidge View Post
    People are celebrating the success of the British athletes during the Olympics and rightly so - it has been a phenomenal summer and the sight of the power of endeavour over and over again can only be good for society.

    I am delighted to have watched the olympics and who cares REALLY whether Alex Salmond or George Osborne were booed - There are FAR more FAR more issues than the inflated egos of a few politicians to discuss.
    So you admit that your Dear Leader has an inflated ego?? What an admission from a "woman for independence"!! And what would Eck think if he knew you used the word "British"? Tut tut!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by whitechina View Post
    So you admit that your Dear Leader has an inflated ego?? What an admission from a "woman for independence"!! And what would Eck think if he knew you used the word "British"? Tut tut!
    Stupid person, everyone knows that Squidge is for Independence and not for the SNP. When are you going to get it into your head that it is not only SNP supporters that want Independence?


  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Corrie 3 View Post
    Stupid person, everyone knows that Squidge is for Independence and not for the SNP. When are you going to get it into your head that it is not only SNP supporters that want Independence?


    The only chance you'll have of an independent Scotland is to vote for the SNP as they are the party whose avowed policy is to break up the UK.

    If you want that too who else are you going to support? I know people who support parties other than the SNP and none of them want independence.

    If you fly with the crows you'll get shot with the crows.


  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by whitechina View Post
    ...I know people who support parties other than the SNP and none of them want independence....
    Never voted SNP & doubt I ever will yet I will probably be voting "YES" for Independence, so you know of at least one now.
    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  15. #15


    Believe it or not, there are worse pro-independence "parties" than the SNP. The Scottish Democratic Alliance (SDA) is an extreme right wing organisation who dare not submit themselves for election at the moment - because they know they wouldn't get any votes. Their (forlorn) hope is to come out of the woodwork as an alternative to the SNP (and a replacement for the Tories) in the confused period after a "yes" to independence vote.

    If you're not familiar with the SDA, you could think of them as the alternative Tories in waiting. They're Scottish Tories in the vein of Michael Forsyth. They regard Thatcher as too left wing.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by secrets in symmetry View Post
    Believe it or not, there are worse pro-independence "parties" than the SNP. The Scottish Democratic Alliance (SDA) is an extreme right wing organisation who dare not submit themselves for election at the moment - because they know they wouldn't get any votes. Their (forlorn) hope is to come out of the woodwork as an alternative to the SNP (and a replacement for the Tories) in the confused period after a "yes" to independence vote.

    If you're not familiar with the SDA, you could think of them as the alternative Tories in waiting. They're Scottish Tories in the vein of Michael Forsyth. They regard Thatcher as too left wing.
    Realists then ;-)
    'Cause if my eyes don't deceive me,
    There's something going wrong around here

  17. #17
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    On Friday, Eck was "cheering" our athletes who competed under the British flag. Next week he will be prepared to stand next to people who delight in burning it. A bitty two faced IMO
    Once the original Grumpy Owld Man but alas no more

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by whitechina View Post
    So you admit that your Dear Leader has an inflated ego?? What an admission from a "woman for independence"!! And what would Eck think if he knew you used the word "British"? Tut tut!
    Lol lol lol - We have just seen Secrets talk about the SDA - although I am not sure I agree with "extreme" they are certainly right wing, also three are many labour voters supporting independence and many to the left of the labour party too.

    I think most politicians have inflated egos - dont you - especially those that are party leaders - The days of those politicians NOT having an ego are long gone maybe Michael Foot was the last one, Margaret Thatcher was driven definitely and had an over inflated ego and those following her certainly have. Alex Salmond is, I think, a very clever shrewd politician and if you compare him to johann lamont and Ruth Davidson and Willie Rennie then its a non starter. He is not however all -powerful or infallible. He is just a politician.

    As for British..... well Whitechina - I AM British! I am English and British and I live in Scotland. Despite what the facebook debaters would have us beleive we will NOT lose our british citizenship after 2014, nor even after 2016. I will remain british til the day I die but I hope I will live in an independent Scotland - just like my parents live in an independent France. I may even take Scottish Citizenship when that is offered to me - but I will still be British. The drive for Independence for me is the opportunity to change and to grow and develop a better fairer society - not the desire to be free of my Britishness.

    You dont need to vote for the SNP to vote for independence Whitechina - in fact you dont need to vote for any party..... the only way to vote for independence is to vote YES in the referendum in 2014. That's it.
    Last edited by squidge; 16-Sep-12 at 09:40.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by golach View Post
    On Friday, Eck was "cheering" our athletes who competed under the British flag. Next week he will be prepared to stand next to people who delight in burning it. A bitty two faced IMO
    I guess you are talking about the Scottish republican socialist movement and this article in the Scotsman .... This group have been baned form attending the march - I copied this from the newsnet Scotland page for you - i dont usually rely on newsnet Scotland but they put it simply for you..

    "Rally organiser, Jeff Duncan, who is a former RAF serviceman who previously ran the ‘Save our Regiments’ campaign, confirmed the group would not be allowed to attend: “Saturday’s march and rally for independence is an opportunity for a wide range of organisations from across Scottish society to make the positive case for an independent Scotland.” he said.

    Mr Duncan added: “Behaviour which is offensive, inappropriate or represents extreme views will not be tolerated by the organisers of the march.”
    However, anti-independence politicians immediately took the opportunity to smear First Minister Alex Salmond by accusing the SNP leader of “being prepared to stand next” to people who burn the Union Flag.
    Scottish Labour MP Jim Murphy, who two days ago claimed that “huge crowds” had booed Alex Salmond at the Glasgow Olympic celebrations on Friday added: “The fact that the organisers have taken fright and kicked these hardliners out does not take away from the fact that Alex Salmond and so many top SNP members were ready to give credence to these people and their outrageous views.
    “Flag burning isn’t the Scottish way of doing things and many Scots will remember the type of company the SNP are keeping,”
    The Scottish Labour MP’s claims were rubbished by a spokeswoman for the SNP who pointed out that Mr Salmond had been invited prior to any SRSM involvement and that the SNP “does not support actions like those conducted by the SRSM”.
    The spokeswoman pointed to a host of guests from across Scotland who would be in attendance, including a Scottish Labour party member, and added: “Saturday’s event has been organised independently, and the First Minister was invited to speak alongside Dennis Canavan, Margo McDonald, Patrick Harvie and other figures from public life such as Ruth Wishart, Aamer Anwar, Cameron McNeish and a speaker from the Labour for Independence group to celebrate the opportunities that come from Scotland being an independent nation."

    Interestingly it goes on to point out that Lewis Rodden, known as Scooby, and who was jailed in 2005 for his part in an extortion campaign of intimidation against construction firms in Ayrshire., attended on of Jim Murphy's fundraising dinners on March 19 at the Thistle Hotel in Glasgow. Challenged at the time, a spokesman for Mr Murphy said: “Jim is shocked. The Labour Party did not invite Mr Rodden, he did not book a table and the Labour Party did not receive a single penny from him. Mr Murphy does not know this man and to the best of his knowledge has never met nor spoken to him in his life.” so if thats ok for Jim Murphy to say about this undesireable group then how is it different for the march people to say about their undesireables?

    There are extremists in both sides - if you want to talk about extremist then look at the number of EDL and SDL members commenting on the Vote no pages. Would you be happy if I suggested that You were standing along side these bigots and fascists? Of course you wouldnt and of you course you dont share their desire for thier type of union. They are a MINORITY and those that burn the union flag are exactly that too. I dont expect there to be organised or synchronised flag burning at the rally and march - it is designed to be a fun family day and a chance to show our support for independence.
    Last edited by squidge; 16-Sep-12 at 10:16.

  20. #20
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    It was an Olympic rally so it was bound to be disproportionately hostile to him from the start - still at least he showed up. Most like minded people I've talked to concerned with Scottish issues view the Olympics as a waste of money and a distraction from actual problems. Yet it's another thing the Conservatives, Labour and Liberal Democrats agree on. One does wonder why they don't just form a large monoparty at this stage.

    If we're posting these sort of things now. I see about two/three a week of some Conservative, Labour of Lib Dem politician being booed, otherwise insulted or asked an awkward question, completed with unedited video. There's a reason they add voice overs to these videos. Actually Labour have a history of busing in supporters to 'local' events.

    Again I reinterate my previous point in other threads, what is the point of these stories. Just get a blog or something.

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