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Thread: The Biggest Debate in Gaming.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Cool The Biggest Debate in Gaming.

    ... dramatic pause ...

    Xbox 360 or Ps3.

    and why?

    Video games ruined my life... Luckily I have 2 lives left!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    neither i like the wii it was the first console i had and me and my friends can connect easy on it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Neither... PC... Does everything the other two do plus a whole lot more...
    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  4. #4


    xbox 360 because they are cheaper than the ps3 and easier to connect

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    but what about those that cant afford a custom pc or an alienware? and the WII is awkward and i cant play any serious games on it without buying a gaming controller for it and the graphics arent as good.
    Video games ruined my life... Luckily I have 2 lives left!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Alrock View Post
    Neither... PC... Does everything the other two do plus a whole lot more...
    ^..This.. ^
    A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject - Winston Spencer Churchill

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Alrock View Post
    Neither... PC... Does everything the other two do plus a whole lot more...
    Iused to like pc gaming but its costly in upgradeing the hardware to play the latest games were as xbox and ps3 the games are made for the console so from that point of view the xbox and ps3 is better than pc gaming

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I would say have both the would be ideal the quality of games is much and such between the 2 just xbox have some games that are xbox only like halo and ps3 has games that are ps3 only.
    And also xbox has kinnect far superior to ps move which is crap were as the ps3 has blu ray drive were xbox doesnt thats another 2 reason to have both.

  9. #9
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    I've never like console gaming as the graphics are sooo far behind and the cost of buying games far outweighs upgrading.

    Plus look at the spec on the 360 (for example), you could build a far superior PC for pretty much the same money (or at least you could if you could find old enough parts)

  10. #10
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    I'm a PC gamer, I've tried all the consoles and while they're okay and there's the odd good game that's console only they really don't compare to the PC. One thing I do find annoying is the dumbing down of PC games (simple interface, lower quality graphics, smaller levels or explorable areas, simpler game mechanics) to appeal to console players.

  11. #11


    Sorry Niall but not everbody likes PCS, you may very well be right in what your saying but some people simply prefer consoles like myself, I have found more times than I care to count that when a game is released the pc version always seems to have the worst reviews, my pc is probably capable of supporting better graphics than my console but i use it for hd videos & music more than anything

  12. #12


    Also Niall how can you complain about console graphics, Killzone 2 & 3, Gears Of Wars, Heavenly Sword & Assassins Creeds are among some of the best graphics I have seen

  13. #13
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    I'm not going to suggest that the graphics on consoles are rubbish, far from it, for the time they were amazing.

    I'm just saying that a few years down the line they are now at the limit of what can be output from these old machines.

    Here's a quick comparison with the equivalent Xbox gpu and an old card of mine:

    t cost me around £100 at the time (about the saving on buying 5 games)

    I'm using something a little faster now:

    gain, around the £100 pound mark.

    So in around 4 years I've spent about £200 on graphics cards, money which I've easily saved on the cost of the games I've bought. I can still play all my old games (albeit with much improved graphics)

    I'm pretty sure that the next generation of consoles will far out perform my current setup but the chances are I'll only have to shell out another £100 to match the latest and greatest console. I'll still be saving around £20 per game and will soon save my money.

    Other benefits of the PC are if anything breaks you can replace it for less than the cost of a new console.

  14. #14
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    I don't even care about graphics that much I prefer gameplay and play a lot of older games. Even I can see how bad the graphics are on consoles. With console gaming and the multi-platform aspect of most modern games now I can up them to high or ultra graphics settings without even having to think about it and it's still not taxing the GPU. Lots of the time I've installed custom textures or graphics mods to try and improve it. In cases where ultra actually does tax the GPU then the console version is usually hard coded to medium or lower.

    There are a ton of YouTube videos comparing this just do a search for 'PC vs console graphics' actually because consoles are holding back graphics and other things with their hardware most PC gamers find they don't need to upgrade as often,

    Even ignoring the graphic aspects (I wish more games developers did and focused on other things) I still think the PC has more advantages for gaming. My main problem is with the dumbing down of PC gaming to appeal to console players.

  15. #15
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    I agree on gameplay, I mostly play QuakeLive and have pretty much all the textures and effects turned off. All the character models are forced to be the same and it plays at a million miles an hour with a rock steady 125 fps.

    I did some googling and found a page with screenshot comparisons between xbox and pc (i'd imagine ps3 is much the same):

  16. #16
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    although im still with console, the reason being some games dont support controller and your stuch with a keyboard and mouse. the other point is that the xbox 360 and the ps3 are coming on around about 8 years old and they are still quite good graphics even in comparison to the modern updated PC.

    the only flaw i have with the xbox is its lack of a browser but even if it did i would use my laptop 9/10 times i think the ps3 controller is too small but it does have blue ray player although the xbox has downloadable high definition movies but its not the same as putting a cd in because you have to download the movies...

    i do think tho that once the xbox 450/720 etc... and the ps4 come out it will out match almost every computer system out there (besides really high end spec.)

    the other issues i have is the pc gets out dated so fast. the i could have spent £300 for an xbox and had it for 8 years.
    Video games ruined my life... Luckily I have 2 lives left!

  17. #17
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    May 2006


    Need I say more

    BTW how many can remember those titles.......retro days !!

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by phoenixtwin2 View Post
    although im still with console, the reason being some games dont support controller and your stuch with a keyboard and mouse. the other point is that the xbox 360 and the ps3 are coming on around about 8 years old and they are still quite good graphics even in comparison to the modern updated PC.

    the only flaw i have with the xbox is its lack of a browser but even if it did i would use my laptop 9/10 times i think the ps3 controller is too small but it does have blue ray player although the xbox has downloadable high definition movies but its not the same as putting a cd in because you have to download the movies...

    i do think tho that once the xbox 450/720 etc... and the ps4 come out it will out match almost every computer system out there (besides really high end spec.)

    the other issues i have is the pc gets out dated so fast. the i could have spent £300 for an xbox and had it for 8 years.
    I use an Xbox 360 controller for games that I think play better with them, it works out of the box. If that particular game or PC version of it doesn't support controllers then I use a utility called Xpadder to create that support.

    The thing is, a console is outdated from the point it was manufactured yes there are revisions and variations in different models but for the most part it's the same hardware from the point it was built. And as most games have to play on both platforms then anything a console runs, a PC or similar or higher specs regard of when it was made and when it starts not to what a lot of PC gamers do is slowly lower the graphics sliders. You can build a good gaming system for £300-£700. That'll last at least 5 years, more if you do the occasional upgrade. Most PC builders are very concerned about price is proof of that. There's a small minority that are concerned with always being on the bleeding edge but they usually have entirely too much money and buy overpriced crap anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by octane View Post
    ...BTW how many can remember those titles.......retro days !!
    I play a lot of retro games I buy some of them from Good Old Games or a lot of them are considered Abandonware. ScummVM has a lot of free Lucas Arts adventure games also. There are even some people (One, Two, Three) that review older games, it's pretty fun to watch.
    Last edited by RecQuery; 23-Feb-12 at 21:22. Reason: Typos

  19. #19
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    if you cover the corners saying the xbox or pc you wouldnt know which one is better graphics most of the time.
    Video games ruined my life... Luckily I have 2 lives left!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    Not wrong about the graphics there phoenixtwin2, however most games these days seem to be written for the consoles first and then ported to the PC and so the graphics will never be much different. Its probably why my machine is still able to crank out at least medium settings on almost all games out today.

    If you look at games written for PC first and then ported back to console you can see a huge difference. DiRT 3 is a good example, written to run on triple header graphics cards out-of-the-box and then seriously clawed back to run on today's consoles.

    Quote Originally Posted by RecQuery
    There's a small minority that are concern with always being on the bleeding edge but they usually have entirely too much money and buy overpriced crap anyway.
    Oh yes, wouldn't we all love to be able to afford a couple of HD 7970s or GTX 590s and the beast PC required to support them.

    I don't think you'll ever see games like World of Warcraft on a console as the players would never put up with the frame rate drop during busy times. Say what you like about console games but I'll give them that, the frame rate is pretty stable on everything I've ever seen played. However the difference between fishing off the pier at Shadowprey Village at sunset and a "quick" visit to the auction house in Orgrimmarr on a Saturday afternoon is literally night and day Plus the fact that my WoW install is around 30gigs, do consoles even have that space to play with?

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