More chicken

Take a whole chicken

2tsp Cumin
2 tsp Coriander
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp turmeric

mix them all together with the juice of a lemon and a little olive oil then taking a knife - stabthe chicken all over and rrub the paste all over it - inside outside everywhere.

Take a bulb of garlic and slice it across the whole bulb and put the bottom half inside the chicken cavity. Take a lemon and slice into quarters and stuff inside the chicken cavity

Put the chicken in a pot with a tightly fitting lid and place in the oven and cook for about 90 mins or til chicken is cooked through - periodically spoon juices over chicken

When its nearly ready make up some cous cous according to pack instructions. Make a similar paste up as you did for the chicken and fry off a spring onion and some chopped peppers and sweetecorn add the couscous to the mixture when its appropriate. I usually do the flavouring things then add stock to the quantity suggested on the package and add hte couscous to that but it depends on the instructions. Once the cous cous is done squeeze the juice from the lemons fromt he chicken into it and squeeze the garlic out of the bub and add it to the cous cous.

Whilst your cous cous is "doing" strip the chicken off the bone and serve with the cous cous and the juices from the chicken poured over it
