This is so popular it fair disappears off the plate - again apologies for the lack of accurate measurements but im a slosh it in girl

Large peice of boned and rolled Pork - preferable shoulder and take the fat off it - those pieces you buy wrapped in red net bag from the supermarket are ideal and often quite reasonable.

Get a large pan and pour in about a pint of sherry dry, sweet whatevers cheapest at the shop usually does me

Add three quarters of a bottle of dark soy sauce

About four dessert spoonfuls of brown suggar

Four cloves of garlic sliced

A bundle of spring onions chopped into chunks

Plonk in your piece of pork - take it out of the net first. Put the lid on - stick it on the hob and bring it to the boil - once boiled turn it down and simmer for about an hour and half depending on the size of your meat - turn the meat frequently and check the level of liquid to make sure its not getting too low A tight fitting lid ensures it doesnt but you can add soy sauce and sherry if it is.

When cooked - slice it and serve with noodles or rice - you can thicken the sauce if you like with a bit of cornflour or butter and flour.

This dish will sit quite happily if your dinner is delayed - just turn it off or keep it very low. The meat may "fall apart" but if it deos shred it like crispy duck and its just as nice
