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Thread: CHaP/Ignis Energy meeting

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    mmmm well i dont think you should say that thejudd coz we simply dont have the evidence but i do think the council have not been playing things by the book,some under handed dealings may have certainly been going on here,i just hope the get investigated and held to account for the lies and dodgy dealings
    Quote Originally Posted by thejudd View Post
    hmmmmm me thinks some of the debt Ignis has is lining the highland councils pockets

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    hi dozy
    anyword from the scottish minister you wrote to?

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by bcsman View Post
    hi dozy
    anyword from the scottish minister you wrote to?

    bcsman; I did get an e-mail back with the usual Government speak but they never knew abot the info i had supplied the Council before and during the whole CHaP fiasco .So they looking into the LOST info and lost/delete data and press articles that the Audit Commission never saw .I was going to post the reply but have been told that is not allowed as it is a ongoing inquiry .So we will have to wait and see what happens of that front .
    I feel that with Ignis in the CHaP driving seat ,Wick is in a lot more trouble than i though the Council would place any community in.

  4. #84


    Dozy with the new information is there anything the scottish government can/will do to stop the handover going ahead

  5. #85
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    Nov 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by thejudd View Post
    Dozy with the new information is there anything the scottish government can/will do to stop the handover going ahead
    To be honest i don't see them really doing anything at this moment in time,their focus is on the Elections .It all comes back to the folk on the old scheme ,if they dont sign up Ignis are out .The CHaP project and the vest amount of money thats gone walk-about needs to be looked at very closely, but who knows...If Ignis are the pick of the bunch that tendered ,god knows how bad the rest where .I just can't fathom why the Council are Hell bent on Ignis ,there must be more to it ...
    Here's a Company with a shady past and NO HISTORY on this type of Engineering ,i have been involved in District and Community heat schemes of over 35 years.Ignis are just so far off the mark its stupid ,they want to run wood fired boilers .Its 20 years behind the times ,Yes wood fired systems are better now but its all old hat ..
    To be fair ,i've been fighting a lone corner for over 10 years now with the Council and CHaP. I've been marked as a "Whistleblower and a Troublemaker" by some in the Council and i can tell you mud sticks even when you tell the truth .So i think its about time i called it a day with the CHaP Project because if the folk of Wick wont stand up and fight why should i ...

    I will post anything i get back from the Minister but that will be the end of it for me ...

  6. #86


    Quote Originally Posted by bcsman View Post
    do i have to sign the contact by the end of the month or are they just playing at bullying tactics?
    You can "conditionally accept" the offer/contract instead. Your conditions can be anything you find fit in this crazy situation. ie... I accept your offer on proof of claim you actually have been awarded the contract?! (sounds like they haven't yet!) If you ignore you tacitly refused the offer. In any situation you are unsure of... it is best to use "conditional acceptance"!

  7. #87


    I will post anything i get back from the Minister but that will be the end of it for me ...
    Really sorry to hear that dozy
    I think they have swayed alot of people with the promiss of £100 credit and their bulling tactics............. I go by the saying "if it sounds to good to be true it usually is" they know the people with meters will be paying more which is why they are offering the credit or cash.

  8. #88
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    Nov 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by thejudd View Post
    I will post anything i get back from the Minister but that will be the end of it for me ...
    Really sorry to hear that dozy
    I think they have swayed alot of people with the promiss of £100 credit and their bulling tactics............. I go by the saying "if it sounds to good to be true it usually is" they know the people with meters will be paying more which is why they are offering the credit or cash.
    There are two things that jump out at you with Ignis (i dont mean they aint got a clue ) .Firstly is the new meters pre-pay just like the Electricity companies ones (they cost a arm and leg to run ) . Secondly is the statement Ignis made in the Paper today ,they plan to supply the high school .That means they already know that the Council will be building on the sports park ground and there must have been a deal cut behind the scenes .The Council and Ignis get themselves deeper in it every day ,local Councillor's must also know whats going on .It all goes to push for a JUDICIAL INQUIRY as soon as possible .As for the GROOMING excersise Ignis are using on the Pulteney customer the £100 will not last 3 weeks as with any meter you pay twice the cost .The £100 sweetener will be clawed back in the first 6 months with line retail costs alone.Why dont the folk of Pulteney get it ,Ignis are in it for PROFIT and that will come from their customers .There will be no more free heat on the tax payer just a cost of £20-25 a week for heat alone ,WAKE UP !
    The whole thing goes from Bad to Worse ...
    I gave the folk of Wick a waring at the start of the CHaP fiasco and i now give the same waring about Ignis ,infact its an ALARM CALL ..THIS time around the TROUBLE is of thier own making ....

  9. #89


    It's funny - I've always said that the reason the council was so desperate to get the High School on Bignold Park was so that the heating could be supplied by CHaP.

    Is this information in today's Courier?

  10. #90
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    Nov 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by sinclairbay View Post
    It's funny - I've always said that the reason the council was so desperate to get the High School on Bignold Park was so that the heating could be supplied by CHaP.

    Is this information in today's Courier?
    When we first when to the council with plans for a district heating scheme it was to be built at the railway station so it could over the Hospital,Swimming pool,School and police station along with others in the town center with smaller community systems dotted around Wick and the county .The Council picked there own idea of the system.What is strange that some of what IGNIS are proposing comes straight from the scheme we offered the council 10 years ago ,so where or who gave them the paperwork on that ..I think the Council are at it ....
    Why dont the council build the new school up behind the old bignold hospital its a far better site ...Maybe this is why the Council are hellbent on the bignold park and also getting rid of the swimming pool and library.I was speaking to other engineers today and a few things come to light.Will Ignis just lease the new equipment ,run it for a few months take out a huge loan on the strength of it then move the cash over to one of their many other companies and disappear. The best one is if IGNIS have nothing to hide why have they not offered me a job .I was quite taken with the idea, not that i would take then up on such an offer The whole thing gets blacker and darker the more that comes to light
    Last edited by dozy; 30-Mar-11 at 19:47.

  11. #91


    oh here we go ......... I presented my conditional contract to Ignis on monday and when I didn't get the phone call I was told I would get I went into the office......... suprise suprise Ingis is NOT going to accept my conditional contract and have NOT got the decency or BALLS to speak to me direct

  12. #92


    I have just been re reading all the paprework that has been sent to me and nowhere is there any direct contact information for Ingis
    Last edited by thejudd; 31-Mar-11 at 16:19.

  13. #93
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    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by thejudd View Post
    I have just been re reading all the paprework that has been sent to me and nowhere is there any direct contact information for Ingis
    The telephone number for Craig Ibbetson's spare bedroom is 020 8332 9563.

  14. #94


    Quote Originally Posted by thejudd View Post
    oh here we go ......... I presented my conditional contract to Ignis on monday and when I didn't get the phone call I was told I would get I went into the office......... suprise suprise Ingis is NOT going to accept my conditional contract and have NOT got the decency or BALLS to speak to me direct
    hmmm, £17 MILLION pounds divided by 260 householders. So, does this mean if they don't accept your contract they will be £65,000 short? gee, mebbe they'll reconsider! lol

  15. #95


    THEY (ignis) won't have the option to reconsider as I have made the decision not to sign any contract with them, so the other 259 householders can share the burdon lol good luck to um they will need it

  16. #96
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Apologies to the Groat for scanning their newspaper, but.....

  17. #97
    Join Date
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    Wick, Caithness


    Steve Barron the Director of Housing and Property, Highland Council has issued a letter in reponse to the article in the John O'Groat Journal last week. The letter appears also in the John O'Groat Journal today. You can read it at -

  18. #98
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    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Fernie View Post
    Steve Barron the Director of Housing and Property, Highland Council has issued a letter in reponse to the article in the John O'Groat Journal last week. The letter appears also in the John O'Groat Journal today. You can read it at -
    Steve Barron clearly HASN'T done his due diligence.

    1 - He says that Ignis is "..supported by Ludgate Environmental Fund...".

    Ludgate Environmental Fund DOES NOT list Ignis Energy Ltd as part of its portfolio of investment companies.

    2 - He says that "...the Council has satisfied itself that the Ignis directors Craig Ibbetson and John Chappell have the knowledge and previous experience for this venture."

    At the time at which negotiations were ongoing between Ignis Energy and the Council, and at the time it was decided that Ignis Energy would be preferred bidders, Ibbetson and Chappell WERE NOT DIRECTORS of Ignis Energy - they had their appointments terminated in April 2010. They became directors again, after Ignis Energy had been selected by the Council in January 2011. So during that time, the Council were negotiating with a company that didn't have these supposedly key people running it.

  19. #99
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    Nov 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Fernie View Post
    Steve Barron the Director of Housing and Property, Highland Council has issued a letter in reponse to the article in the John O'Groat Journal last week. The letter appears also in the John O'Groat Journal today. You can read it at -
    I dont think Steve Barron standing in the Caithness Community could be any lower and the article will only go to prove that the Council not only broke all the tendering rules but colluded with Ignis to some extent over the Contract to run CHaP .I have stated before that Mr S Barron's investigation into CHaP was flawed and he failed to bring all the information to the table . Therefore the Audit Commission Inquiry is a WHITEWASH ,YES the report may rap a few knuckles but there are no sacking or resignation . The Council may think they can pull the wool over folks eyes on this one but i beg to differ ,the fight will go on until the whole truth comes out .
    So the Council can do it the easy or hard way ,no more lies ,removing data and trying to rewrite history.Its not only Councillors that were involved with CHaP Board but all councillors that stood back and let it happen.The People of Wick deserve better from their elected officals,and these elected folk should show greater respect . Words like TRUTH,HONESTY and INTEGRITY all seem devoid from the Highland Council and its agents ,in my opinion.. There's a couple of things, why is there NO mention for where all the MONEY went and WHY we now have IGNIS spouting the same speil as CHaP was "We have expects in the field and we are speaking to companies who are also expects".Why would the Council pick a company that dont have there own experts in-house.I look forward the seeing the engineering specs on this one ,i got it dead right last time and with the noises coming from IGNIS i see the council in for a hiding....
    Last edited by dozy; 01-Apr-11 at 12:15.

  20. #100
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    Mar 2011

    Default Ignis Energy and the link with ENRON

    It's amazing what comes out of the woodwork when you start to open up discussion to the public.

    I have just been informed, and had it confirmed, that one of the Ignis Energy Ltd directors, John Andrew Chappell, whom Highland Council have placed such credibility in, was a director of at least five ENRON companies, before they were all placed in liquidation and the US office bearers of the parent company sent to jail.

    I'm sure no-one needs reminding of ENRON, but here's a link anyway:

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