It's funny, but I am more drawn to what Savemans deleted post was about than the collection of stories and poems posted on this forum. I will get through them but its interesting how little literature means to me. Im like DrSzin. Poetry bounces off me although sometimes when I know the poet I can appreciate the poem. The same probably applies to music. I can appreciate good music but it plays little part of my life.
Literature though is so important. The unfortunate thing for lots of people is the language of the best literature. I think a person has to be trained to understand it and although some kids grasp it early, a bit like playing an instrument, many dont.
I never read a book until I was 33. I was lucky it was a cracker and whetted my appetite for reading. It was John Stienbecks Of Mice and Men closely folowed by Cannery Row.
Hopefully this forum will take off and maybe those of us who struggle to read because of lack of training, will pick up some hints from the boffins.