I’ve mentioned winters past and gone
When I was but a lad
But I tell a tale of ancient folk
Which leaves me feeling sad.

Our alarm clock was great grandma’s teeth
Chattering in the glass
But that morning we had overslept
‘Cause they were frozen fast.

The blizzard howled around the house
With more snow yet to come,
The temperature dropped low enough
To freeze Jamaica rum.

Poor grandad, he was in a flap
As he tried to shovel a route
To get to his allotment
And check his veg and fruit.

We told him it was cold enough
To freeze an eskimo’s lips
And he should wear an extra pair
Of fur lined cycle clips.

Old grandad he just laughed at us.
“You’re a pack of Jessie wenches
I’ve seen weather far,far worse than this
In four years in the trenches!”

The man was on a mission
As through the snow he strove
Wondering if the paraffin had run out
On his little greenhouse stove.

It was too late when we found him
Behind the garden barrow
His arms around his beloved veg,
He was frozen to the marrow.