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Thread: Wick Academy Development Fund

  1. #921
    Join Date
    Sep 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Droopy View Post
    How the Dempster Street church roof doesn't go on fire when he walks through the door on a Sunday morning l don't know.
    My dictionary says, definition for 'Evangelical Christian'......see 'Hypocrite'.

  2. #922


    Quote Originally Posted by onespace View Post
    My dictionary says, definition for 'Evangelical Christian'......see 'Hypocrite'.
    In another unfortunate twist, the Minister at the church Odd-world and Martyr attend is also the WAFC minister! can the flock accept a man who received money under false pretenses welcome him under their roof??

    Martyr now responds to posts on here on his Twitter account....why can't you reply here Andrew?? You didn't deny being a thief oddly, but defended your internet bullying of kids by some weird explanation about Porsche cars??

    We're still waiting to hear your previous delusional reasons about who stopped your 5 million pound stadium being built. So come on, don't shout your mouth off about things you can't back up.....or people will just assume you're a bitter sad individual with no credibility, who hides in your bedroom trolling kids - who love Wick Academy on your laptop.
    Anyone know what time Tesco opens?

  3. #923
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    I wonder just how many of the people who donated their hard-earned for this great cause know what is happening (or not as the case may be) with the money? Why hasn't the Groat or P&J taken this up or even the charities commission? or the police? surely it's fraud collecting cash for a cause that didn't get it! it's shameful the way this bunch are hanging onto the cash and not giving it back to the community that THEY belong to! or maybe they don't anymore considering the situation. This money was donated in good faith and what they are doing is preventing other local charities from receiving much needed funds as im sure people who gave to this fund are maybe now thinking twice about supporting any other good cause in case it goes the same way.

  4. #924


    Come on Carter, blow the lid on who stopped you and Wacky Gunn building your 5 million pound sports arena.

    Your unsubstantiated and bitter spurious tweet in January of this year told us to "watch this space" as the public would "be shocked"
    Let's hear it then, divert your time from online kid bullying about a primary school drawing competition and tell us who the bad man was and how they actually prevented you building it.
    Where was the land?....who owned it?...were they prepared to sell?....who were your solicitors/architects/accountants etc.
    You'd need all of those to initiate buying land.

    What will you now do with the money and how can people apply for it? Who are the development fund committee now? Bet you don't answer, as you're a delusional odd ball who'd rather upset kids online as part of your pathetic and obsessed keyboard warrior campaign to criticise WAFC.

    Thou shalt not steal Andrew!
    Last edited by Droopy; 10-Oct-16 at 19:51.

  5. #925


    I've been given information by PM that the winning letters were picked at random in the old Dounreay Club in Wick on Monday nights BUT that the tickets were not checked there. They were checked afterwards in Wacky Gunns house!!! who was also the promoter. So in essence he had the winning letters to then take home to find a winning ticket....The tickets also did not have individual serial numbers on them which is illegal under The Lotteries and Amusement Act 1976 and would make the money raised illegal too.

    Also that Wackys girlfriend at the time won the jackpot, and also D.Bremner's mother even although she didn't know she'd bought a ticket, which led to her ordering her son off the Development Committee once she saw she'd "won" in the local paper. Is anyone able to confirm this?
    Last edited by Droopy; 11-Oct-16 at 13:30.
    Anyone know what time Tesco opens?

  6. #926


    More PM information coming in by the day folks, here's the latest.

    'G'day Dave' sold loads of the 'lucky letters' tickets offshore on different rigs and the letters selected would be faxed to Wacky's house...but the faxes wern't always received by 7pm on a Monday night as the telephone links back then to the rigs wasn't always dependable. Anyway to cut a long story short, there were lots of Hartlepool, Liverpool, Newcastle and Aberdeenshire winners. The suggestion is that if say John Swindler from Hartlepool won the jackpot, who would really know if it was in fact a real ticket, or a made up one with the money going to another guy by the name of Swindler? buy a car with perhaps?

    A local kids club applied to the Wick Academy Development Fund for a first aid kit but they were refused, so Wick Academy stepped in and bought the kids club one. Don't hear Carter aka Twitter Scorrie1962 mentioning that on his pathetic crusade on twitter.

    And on the subject of his twitter account, he's now set his account to private which is quite apt, as he can have his spurious bitter rants and claims read by only about 6 people, which is 5 more than actually care what he says in the real world.

    I still find it unbelievable this guy goes to the Dempster Street Church every Sunday along with his mate Odd-world, its really not a good impression for the congregation to have in the community.

    "Thou Shalt Not Steal"
    Last edited by Droopy; 13-Oct-16 at 09:25.
    Anyone know what time Tesco opens?

  7. #927
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    Interesting posts Droopy Drawers. The more the community knows the better.

    Careful though, you don't want to leave yourself open to claims of defamation.

  8. #928


    Quote Originally Posted by crayola View Post
    Interesting posts Droopy Drawers. The more the community knows the better.

    Careful though, you don't want to leave yourself open to claims of defamation.
    Oh that's nothing Crayola.....

    Few more dirty deeds of the dynamic duo to reveal yet.
    Anyone know what time Tesco opens?

  9. #929
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    I look forward to reading the next instalment.

  10. #930
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Its shocking how this is still rumbling on with no resolution in sight. The Allegations of Corruption, Fraud, Neglect of duties etc etc would be great as a Hollywood blockbuster! How no-one has been made Accountable (for want of a better word ) is beyond me. 2 Film titles would be "The Untouchables" and "Rebel without a cause"
    The world is a system its only how you work the sytem that counts...............

  11. #931


    Meanwhile over at Scorrie1962 on twitter, Martyr is enquiring if Wick Academy will go after a player Brora Rangers have put on the transfer market.
    I'd imagine the reply might sound like this:

    Dear Andrew

    Thankyou for you ongoing interest in Wick Academy FC.

    Unfortunately it was proved in the mid 90's to circa 2005 that buying, and then paying over rated players was not the way forward for the club. It led to bottom four league positions almost ever year and took the club to the brink of financial collapse which led to the then Chairman and Secretary being outvoted at a members agm.

    Furthermore and unlike the period mentioned above, Wick Academy FC will not be dipping in to a fundraising ticket charity fund to pay players cash to take them to the club in the hope it brings success.

    We thank you for your interest and would enquire as to when you and Jacky will be handing the money over to Wick Academy FC that was raised in its name so that the club may continue to prosper under good and proper business practices.

    Wick Academy FC

  12. #932
    Join Date
    Sep 2016


    Now I know who you're on about. This doesn't seem to make sense though. He's still a strong supporter of Academy if it's the same person I'm thinking of.

    So how does someone who has done this with the dosh still turn up at Harmsworth Park every week? Hasn't the 'mob' done him over ? How come he's not heckled or banned from the ground ? Surely it can't be as bad as you're making out or he'd never be able to show his face.

  13. #933
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    Wick Academy are slowly - each week - they are getting some money from this supporter?!? - so why should they cut off a paying customer with bully boy tactics and being nasty to any supporter.
    Wick Academy and their supporters are polite people and know that they will get the money eventually. even if it is so much a week entrance money and paying for a pie and bovril!!
    Wick Academy know the money acquired through the years will be returned to them once OSCR finish with them and perhaps the courts too.
    Nothing is worth the trouble of getting involved in threatening assaults etc -

  14. #934
    Join Date
    Sep 2016


    Don't get the wrong end of the stick here. I wasn't suggesting you rough him up. Just that if I'd done a runner with the club funds, I wouldn't be turning up at that same club every week - or if I did I'd be anticipating some sort of repercussions.

  15. #935


    Quote Originally Posted by onespace View Post
    Now I know who you're on about. This doesn't seem to make sense though. He's still a strong supporter of Academy if it's the same person I'm thinking of.

    So how does someone who has done this with the dosh still turn up at Harmsworth Park every week? Hasn't the 'mob' done him over ? How come he's not heckled or banned from the ground ? Surely it can't be as bad as you're making out or he'd never be able to show his face.
    The guy has nothing left to lose, he cuts a rather pariah figure. No friends and a loner.

    And far from being a strong supporter, the only reason he goes to games is so he can find negative things to write about Academy on his twitter feed....and if he can't find something negative he'll find a spurious slur that can't be proved one way or the other.

    He pays lip service occasionally by wishing the team good luck, but they are outnumbered 100/1 by his negative bitter tweets. He also uses his knowledge of how WAFC has to conduct itself and knows that the Club's not going to correct his rubbish even if what he writes is totally bonkers. He's not worth the effort.

    Basically he's fuming inside himself that the Club has never looked back since Wacky the Organ Grinder and he the monkey were ousted in 2005.
    Two lonely pariahs who will forever be remembered as just that. And all they've to do is hand over money they can't spend anyway.

    They're so bitter that one of them even complained to Tesco head office that Wick Academy were selling xmas raffle tickets in Wick and it might contravene data protection. That's how 'strong' their support is.

    Lots more info coming in by PM.
    Anyone know what time Tesco opens?

  16. #936
    Join Date
    Sep 2016


    Sounds like pride is preventing them doing anything. Or they've spent it.

    Either way, I reckon this money will never see the light of day ever again.

  17. #937


    Cud u 'elaborate'?

  18. #938


    Quote Originally Posted by scorrie2017 View Post
    Prepare yursels.

    Thurs good news (thur hand hes been forced). And thurs bad news (wir no gettan a penny o id).
    Kinda funny comment....was hoping to get a wee bitty of info?

  19. #939
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Space the final frontier


    Oh here we go again if only this mess were to get sorted. I am another year nearer the grave and still this fiasco continues. Money raised by the community for the community lying unused because of stupid arrogance.
    My mother seldom said anything, but her sighs were loud enough

  20. #940
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Wick, Caithness


    Dan Mackay sums up the current situation following an item in the local paper -

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