View Full Version : time travel

21-Apr-06, 18:01
if we could go back in time, what age would you like to be again? and why?
what memories does that age bring?-----fashion------music------people.:eyes

21-Apr-06, 18:10
I'd go back to being 18 but I'd take my knowledge and experience back with me. :)

Didn't Einstein's theory of relativity kick up lots of stuff about time travel?

21-Apr-06, 18:45
I'd go back to 1707, and become possibly the first political terrorist......by assassinating all those who got us into the Union of the Parliaments.........the Union of the Crowns was bad enough.......Parliaments was a huge step too far!!

Valerie Campbell
21-Apr-06, 19:18
I'd go back to the 1940s, just to see how hard life was for the woman of the house with no mod cons. Thank goodness we've got technology, but on the other hand, we have to visit a gym to get fit. Maybe there is something to be said for no washing machines, hoovers etc.

21-Apr-06, 19:31
I'd like to go back to the sixties so i could see bands like the beatles, the rolling stones, the who and the beach boys. cant beat good music.

21-Apr-06, 19:31
If I could go back in time I think I would bust the axle of the truck that moved us from Thurso to the South when I was a nipper. Then I wouldn't be having to battle with Mrs T about going back up for a holiday.:roll:

21-Apr-06, 20:54
In modern times I would like to do the sixties over again, and as somebody has already said, take my knowledge and experience back with me. But who knows, maybe I would miss out on all the fun then.

Going back in time I would probably like to go to ancient Egypt to see how they built the pyramids.

21-Apr-06, 21:07
In modern times I would like to do the sixties over again, and as somebody has already said, take my knowledge and experience back with me. But who knows, maybe I would miss out on all the fun then.

I didn't miss out on all the fun in the 60s, I just can't remember any of it.

I set the recorder to record Easy Rider early this morning, that might bring back a few happy memories.

21-Apr-06, 21:13
When I see John Titor last tuesday, I'll let him know you all wanna hitch a ride.

21-Apr-06, 21:14
I would like to go back to the late 50's early 60's with the knowlege I have now, I would have made a few changes in my life, not many but a few.

21-Apr-06, 21:23
I would want to live in the 50s with my knowledge and experience I have now.

But i wouldn't want to change anything or assasinate anyone one because who would go in their place may be worse.

21-Apr-06, 22:02
I.d like to live in the 50.s.Being born in the 60.s was to young to appreciate what was swinging.:Razz

Cedric Farthsbottom III
21-Apr-06, 22:56
I would go back to November 1970 to see if my dad was right and that I only came about because of an out of date condom.:lol:

21-Apr-06, 23:06
I would have no interest in going back in time. I would love to go back to the future. Say 500 years for starters. Wow.

21-Apr-06, 23:08
The world may be gone by then, gleeber.

21-Apr-06, 23:08
Yeah but Gleeber, what if when you get there it is all desolated and the geiger counter is off the scale? I'd much rather take my chances with the plague and stuff.

Cedric Farthsbottom III
21-Apr-06, 23:15
500 years in the future.........

1.Wick Academy top spot in the SPL
2.Mice rule the world and we are now in cages with lipstick on.
3.Elephants are now even more scared of mice.:roll:

ice box
21-Apr-06, 23:19
Well i would have to say i wouldn't go back or forward coz life is just brilliant as it is i couldn't ask for anything more than what i have now . :) :)

21-Apr-06, 23:23
Its not like you guys to let reality get in the way of fantasy.:lol:

Cedric Farthsbottom III
21-Apr-06, 23:23
Well i would have to say i wouldn't go back or forward coz life is just brilliant as it is i couldn't ask for anything more than what i have now . :) :)

As long as you're happy ice-box thats all that matters.

21-Apr-06, 23:24
I would go back 20 years and make a living by putting some sure bets on the nags and footie. Also I would invest in some gooder movers and avoid the shakers. Oh, and I would also be under serious FBI and MI5 investigations for predicting world events and announcing them in a loud oafish manner in my local pub.

21-Apr-06, 23:46
500 years in the future.........

3.Elephants are now even more scared of mice.:roll:

It's all a lie. Elephants have never been afraid of mice.Slander, libel EWDF will get you and there is nowhere in time you can hide.

21-Apr-06, 23:48
I would like to go back to the late 50's early 60's with the knowlege I have now, I would have made a few changes in my life, not many but a few.

Ye wid be 46 years younger and jist as stoopid.

Cedric Farthsbottom III
21-Apr-06, 23:54
It's all a lie. Elephants have never been afraid of mice.Slander, libel EWDF will get you and there is nowhere in time you can hide.

Not true Gleber2,I once seen a mouse use an elephant to wipe its bum with.:lol: :lol:

22-Apr-06, 00:41
Weel Cedric, it must have been one of Carlo's miniature elepahants or an awfy beeg moose.

22-Apr-06, 01:09
How many windfarms will I need to supply 1.21 gigawatts to the flux capacitor?

Great Scott!!!!!

22-Apr-06, 03:59
I would have no interest in going back in time. I would love to go back to the future. Say 500 years for starters. Wow.

Wow, what a concept! Me agreeing with gleeber! But on this one I concur. Forward 500 years sounds grand.

22-Apr-06, 10:19
I would have no interest in going back in time. I would love to go back to the future. Say 500 years for starters. Wow.You cant go Gleeber,you cant send back e-mail from there I tryed http://forum.caithness.org/images/icons/icon11.gif

22-Apr-06, 10:39
I would go back to the 'other side' and change my mind about coming here again in the first place. :lol:

at a push go back to victorian times (as long as I was one of the well off. lol) when men were men and women were glad of it.:lol:

22-Apr-06, 12:48
If I could, Id go forward 100 years just to see how things have improved or deteriorated. Id say it would be eye opening

22-Apr-06, 12:53
I would go back to the early forties and rub out everyone that was involved in the development of atomic power.

22-Apr-06, 12:57
I would go back to the early forties and rub out everyone that was involved in the development of atomic power.

I would go back to the 1960s and rub out everyone that has ruined the image of nuclear power throught their incompetance.

22-Apr-06, 13:32
Tell that to the survivors of Nagasaki, Hiroshima and Chernobyl!

22-Apr-06, 15:43
Tell that to the survivors of Nagasaki, Hiroshima and Chernobyl!

The Chernobyl survivors would have been okay. Rubbing out incompetence in the 1960's should have prevented that disaster.

22-Apr-06, 19:41
I would go back to the early forties and rub out everyone that was involved in the development of atomic power.

Totally agree with this. Who was it again that split the atom? Was it someone Oppenheimer? Whoever it was opened a Pandora's Box, caused coutless deaths, a cold war and now, as mentioned, nuclear disasters worldwide.

23-Apr-06, 00:04
Totally agree with this. Who was it again that split the atom? Was it someone Oppenheimer? Whoever it was opened a Pandora's Box, caused coutless deaths, a cold war and now, as mentioned, nuclear disasters worldwide.

You could rub out all the people in the 40s. All that would happen was it would be developed in the 50's.

And a cold war was a damn sight better than a real one, which the threat of nuclear holocust prevented.

"Nuclear disasters worldwide" Worldwide????

Sensationalist rubbish.

23-Apr-06, 03:24
I'm still waiting to die from the after effects of the fire at Windscale.

I wouldn't go back in time because I've already heard the end of the story.
I want to go forward a few thousand years to see what archaeologists and historians make of the lunatic ideas we are dreaming up now.

By then we will be ranked with people who predicted the future by reading animal's entrails and worried about sailing off the edge of the world. :p

23-Apr-06, 10:10
Micro-singularities are a vulcan myth.:o)

26-Apr-06, 18:46
You could rub out all the people in the 40s. All that would happen was it would be developed in the 50's.

And a cold war was a damn sight better than a real one, which the threat of nuclear holocust prevented.

"Nuclear disasters worldwide" Worldwide????

Sensationalist rubbish.

Exactly my thoughts.

The Pepsi Challenge
26-Apr-06, 18:52
Thurso, in the 50s, and the birth of rock and roll. Or in Edwardian times: Bandstands, summer - without disease.

27-Apr-06, 05:38
I'd like to travel back in time to the Victorian or Edwardian era. I love the clothes, hairstyles, furniture and architecture, as well as the refined manners. I'm fascinated by films and costume dramas that take place in that period of time! One of my favourite movies is "Somewhere in Time", starring Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour, which was made in 1980. Christopher Reeve plays a Chicago playwright of the 1970s, who is staying at an old grand hotel in Michigan. He falls in love with the vintage portrait of a beautiful woman there, whom he learns was an actress who performed in plays at the hotel in the early 1900s. He is so fascinated, that he gleans information on 'time travel' from an old college professor, and manages to propel himself back in time to meet the beauty from days gone by.....