View Full Version : Looking for pure sunflower margerine

01-Oct-09, 22:02
Hi can anyone help me my baby has a milk allergy and can only use milk free pure sunflower, tescos used to take it in then stopped it I requested it to be taken back in which they did only to find 2 months later to of taken it off their systems again :mad:. I couldnt believe my eyes does anyone know of any other shops that sell it. He's only 8 month old so he doesnt use a lot of it so even if I ask them to take it back in by the time I need more it will be taken off the shelves again. Really isnt handy as its not like he can take any other kind. They told me that they are keeping the pure soya in but he's not allowed soya as its a high risk also!! thanks

01-Oct-09, 22:19
I am sure you can buy Vita-Lite almost anywhere and that is a SunFlower Margarine. Here is a Link to their web page :-


01-Oct-09, 22:35
Wick co-op have it.

02-Oct-09, 08:39

We use vita lite in our household for our milk free kids and its a lot cheaper than the one you have been buying. Its also great in baking etc. You can get it in tesco's and the co-op

There is also a great web site goodness direct for getting milk free foods yummy ice cream

02-Oct-09, 11:35
Tesco in Wick have it. I bought milk free margarine this morning for my grand-daughter.