View Full Version : Data and his cat!!

01-Jul-09, 22:52
Have any of you seen in star trek the next generation any epsoides with Data and his cat spot.

There was a hilarious scene between worf and data when data was telling worf what spot needed when worf looked after him. Worf was treating spot like a dog and then data says "You have to speak to him, tell him he's a good cat." Worf's face was a classic. He ended up going out of data's quarters carrying spot at arms length sneezing. [lol]

Another one was when gordy was looking after spot to see if he wanted one himself. he presuaded data to train spot and after observing spot and data he commented on how well spot had data trained[lol]

01-Jul-09, 23:22
then theres the episode where spot had kittens, ( i was sure spot was a male till then!!) guess spots not the only cat on board, either that or even she gets shore leave!!

04-Jul-09, 11:26
then theres the episode where spot had kittens, ( i was sure spot was a male till then!!) guess spots not the only cat on board, either that or even she gets shore leave!!

I'm sure he was a he before then. i've seen eposides of where spot is a she and he. Haven't come across the epsoide where spot had kittens yet! :lol: