View Full Version : Have the Voters seen the light at last

07-Nov-08, 10:09
What a disappointing night last night for Alex Salmond and the Tartan Tories.
Not only were they defeated in the Glenrothes by-election but they lost two council by-elections one in Edinburgh and one in Glasgow all to Labour.
Are the Scots voters now seeing the SNP for what they really are?

07-Nov-08, 11:47
What a disappointing night last night for Alex Salmond and the Tartan Tories.

Reading that statement, are you saying the Tartan Tories is another name for the SNP or are you talking Alex Salmonds' SNP AND the Scottish Conservatives as two different entities?

I do despair though.

All you hear from Labour, is about what they have to do to get that historical 4th term in Government.

Getting back in power seems to take precedence over doing what is right for the country. Heaven help us if they do get back in; they will see it as a mandate to go full ahead in totally eroding our civil liberties under the guise of anti-terror laws, bleed us dry with more stealth and "save the planet" taxes, give our sovereignty up to the EU; I could go on.

Brown let us all down as a chancellor, he removed tax relief on your pension schemes, and with his tax, tax, tax, spend, spend, spend, spend, spend policy he wasted money. He assumed that throwing money at problems solves it..so wrong. He can now hide behind and blame the world crisis for his mismanagement.

He can "blame" Blair for the wars we are fighting. In fact he can "blame" the previous leader for most of Labours failings, but conveniently forget he was Blairs right hand man and heavily involved in all the decision making. He brings back Mandelson into Government through the back door, there is talk of Blunkett reappearing as well.

When things don't work out, they change the name of the Government department, change the way the results or stats are measured; moving the goal posts is far easier than addressing the problem. (crime figures, education etc)
He promised to get rid of spin...HA! We will be spinning all the way to the next election with people, worker, ethnic minority, family friendly policies (vote grabbers) all the headline; while all the sinister stuff will be kept on the back burner.

Don't think Scotland is ready for independence, but moreso I don't think that England, Scotland, Wales and N.I. need an historic 4th term for Labour.

07-Nov-08, 13:21
First two items on BBC website sort of contradict each other.
Spin http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/edinburgh_and_east/7715082.stm

Truth http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/7715045.stm

07-Nov-08, 14:51
What a disappointing night last night for Alex Salmond and the Tartan Tories.
Not only were they defeated in the Glenrothes by-election but they lost two council by-elections one in Edinburgh and one in Glasgow all to Labour.
Are the Scots voters now seeing the SNP for what they really are?

Seems like it. Tartan tories indeed - couldn't agree more!

Someone needs to tell Mr Salmond his party are a minority government. The majority of Scots didn't want a SNP Government and it seems like the Scots voters are reminding him of exactly that!

08-Nov-08, 00:31
It is time Alex Salmond's gas was put on a peep. Scotland has been too long a part of the UK to go it alone. I don't think any of the four countries could manage without the other three.

08-Nov-08, 01:19
Yes , the other three would definatley struggle without the Oil revenue which is pumped ashore into Scotland , A few gas rigs in the Irish sea & Southern North Sea are hardly going to keep the rest going- they need Scotlands Oil.

As for Labour, Id rather cut my hands off with a hacksaw than vote for them blundering fools- How many mistakes can 1 government make without being removed???

09-Nov-08, 00:01
I'm still drawn towards independance, but having the same monarch as England could still be a conciliatory influence.:eek:

09-Nov-08, 00:09
Labour retained the seat but they retained it with a reduced majority.

09-Nov-08, 00:13
Labour retained the seat but they retained it with a reduced majority.
But they had the highest percentage of the vote :lol:

09-Nov-08, 00:46
Chancellor Alistair Darling urged lenders to do the decent thing at a time when repossessions are soaring by 70 percent and 40 small firms are collapsing every day.
He said: ‘I think it is essential that banks pass on the benefit of lower interest rates.’ But what the Chancellor thinks and what he does look to be two different things entirely.
The truth is that, having rescued the banksters from the shattering consequences of their own greed and folly, the Government and the taxpayer should now be calling the shots.
There’s no point in Labour ministers complaining about how the banks behave, when they have the power to make them do whatever they want them to - in particular they should treat borrowers and savers fairly.
Quite simply, the banksters should be forced to pass on the benefits of the rate cuts to borrowers, and to forego every last penny of their obscene bonuses in order to give savers a better deal as well. It’s not rocket science - but it’s well beyond Brown Labour.

Its such a shame when the most sensible I have heard regarding the interest rates and banking crisis has come from the BNP.


percy toboggan
09-Nov-08, 16:45
I followed your link to the BNP web-site and found little to cheer.
As a shareholder in banks (thankfully a relatively small holding) I see no case for passing on interests rates in full to facilitate the lives of those who borrowed big to buy houses they could ill afford...and ameliorate their medium term problems.

The Banks are commercial enterprises and will lend to those who wish to borrow. Agreed they should have been more selective but the root of the blame lies with individuals. For those who think a flash 4 x 4 on the driveway of a smart new semi in some thrown up estate populated by fellow neck just above the waterline aspirants to the 21st. century version of the 'good life' deserve all they get I'm afraid.

Anyone who thought the good times would last forever and now seek to hang the blame on those who lent them the money in the first place are deserveth of little but scorn in my opinion.

As one who knew he was a modest earner, stayed a modest dweller, modest motorist yet extravagant hoildaymaker (3 to 4 times per year- all paid for in cash) I'm darned if I should subsidise the bail out of greedy, blinkered folk who could not survive beyond the next bounced pay check or who see a month out of work as a financial disaster.

Dear Prudence...I can still come out to play because I'm not skint. so do what you will with interest rates.