View Full Version : really sore throat please help

04-Sep-08, 15:04
Hi is there anyone else out there with a sore throat?

i have had a sore throat since last thursday, so about a week now, everything i take for it is not working and my throat seems to be getting worse,

i went to the doctors and got antibiotics and still not workin, tried gurgiling salty water but nope, i've taken tablets every fours hours since the day its started but nothing,

it just feels as if someone is putting a knife through me or something,my ears hurting with it too. i cant eat drink swollow hardly speak or anything cant even sleep properly.

i cant take strepsils as i am an asthmatic, lockets aint doing anything for me neither,

doctor says my throat swollen really really badly and very very very red

could anyone help please xxxx

04-Sep-08, 15:13
Blimey I would go back to the doctor! Meanwhile persevere wi the salt water gargling and spit out the gunk! Also local (if you can get it) honey or manuka (should be in supermarket). Take a spoonful to sooth yer throat. Does sound bad though - all the best!

04-Sep-08, 15:15
I would have suggested gargling with asprin but as your are asthmatic thats not an option.Go back to the doctor,you need it treated again or could end up in hospital like I did when I left it :eek: x

04-Sep-08, 15:21
Here is a real yuckie remedy....if you can bring yourself to try it.
Crush one clove of fresh garlic and pour over half a cup of boiling water. Leave until cool enough that it won't burn and gargle using it all....if you can.........
If you can't bare the thought you could try this....again its garlic based...
Crush one clove of garlic and add 4tspns runny honey and mix together, into a small jar or glass, cover with a tblspn of cider apple vinegar. Simply dip a teaspoon into honey garlic mixture and lick off....do this throughout the day and evening...you can't overdose.
Another is...a glass of hot milk with a nob of butter and a spoonful of golden syrup and sip.

Good luck and hope you feel better soon.:)

04-Sep-08, 15:26
Poor you! that sounds just awful. I really do think you should go back to the doc -you might have got an ear infection as well.

In the meantime lemon & honey might soothe your throat a bit and you should keep having plenty of fluids.

The thing we were always given as children was a wee knob of butter rolled in sugar to suck at the back of your mouth -sounds odd, but it did help.

Hope you get better soon.:)

04-Sep-08, 15:28
the old wives cure for a sore throat.....a sweaty sock round your neck!

Think you might be better going back to your GP especially in view of your Asthma which restricts some "cures"

04-Sep-08, 16:26
I've had the same thing many times, nothing much will work it has to run its course but the best thing I've ever found to help is Strepsils but it has to be the ones that say anesthetic.

04-Sep-08, 16:40
I've had the same thing many times, nothing much will work it has to run its course but the best thing I've ever found to help is Strepsils but it has to be the ones that say anesthetic.

she says she cannot take Strepsils due to her Asthma. Lots of water / liquids to drink will also wash away any bugs lurking there.

04-Sep-08, 16:45
Try 4flu (that's how it is on the bottle) I use it for cough, runny or blocked nose, sore throat etc seems to work better check u can take it if you have asthma though gr8 stuff though

rs 2k
04-Sep-08, 17:48
Hi Sandie

I think antibiotics take 3 days to work, u only got them yesterday so hopefully by tomorrow u should start feeling better

Keep gargling with the warm salty water, it helped me loads or get some oraldene thats good aswell, i would give u mine but its all done between the 3 of us [lol]

Hope u feel better tomorrow

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx

04-Sep-08, 17:57
I did a herbalism course and the teacher swore that sage is the best ancient remedy for sore throats.

THYME TEA for colds and coughs.

If you have some sage in the garden, just pick about 6 leaves and leave in boiling water for about 5 mins and when cool enough to drink gargle and swallow it.
Tastes like sage n onion stuffing but nice.

You can gather leaves/stalks off the plant and put into dark warm room for 2 weeks to dry in a paper bag. When dry you can just grind the dry leaves and use as dry tea leaves.

hope this helps! Nothing worse than a sore throat.

04-Sep-08, 17:59
Hi, My Graandma,s remedy for easing a bad throat, is to roll a wee ball of butter in sugar and let it disovle at the back of your throat. Tastes disgusting but really is soothing, so worth a try.

Hope it helps


04-Sep-08, 18:03
Orange juice and honey heated in microwave and small amount of brandy.

04-Sep-08, 18:07
I`m in agreement with Angela on the sugar and butter remedy. It works for a bad cough too.

04-Sep-08, 18:11
Have a try of clove tea has a bit of an numbing for the pain as well as being soothing and just nice!

04-Sep-08, 19:15
If you were learning to drive with your windows shut and your music (which i'm sure no one else wants to hear) a lot quieter then you would not have to shout so much so that would help to i'm sure!

04-Sep-08, 19:44
Hi is there anyone else out there with a sore throat?

i have had a sore throat since last thursday, so about a week now, everything i take for it is not working and my throat seems to be getting worse,

i went to the doctors and got antibiotics and still not workin, tried gurgiling salty water but nope, i've taken tablets every fours hours since the day its started but nothing,

it just feels as if someone is putting a knife through me or something,my ears hurting with it too. i cant eat drink swollow hardly speak or anything cant even sleep properly.

i cant take strepsils as i am an asthmatic, lockets aint doing anything for me neither,

doctor says my throat swollen really really badly and very very very red

could anyone help please xxxx

Go back to your doctor and insist on seeing a specialist. My wife had something that sounds exactly the same and I got her to go to the doc who sent immediately for a second opinion. It seems she had a serious condition that took three different medicines to clear up. The first thought was that it was a yeast condition - thrush - but it turned out to be far worse. Fortunately, quick action cleared it up.

04-Sep-08, 20:05
I agree with JaneMac - local herbalist prescribed this for me a few years ago and I always keep a jar of dried sage in my cupboard!
One tsp of dried sage in a cup of boiled water, allow to infuse, and cool until its hot as you can drink it. Then you take a mouthful, gargle and swallow. You can taste the antiseptic in it. It really helps.
One time I had a swollen epiglottis (the dangly bit at the back of throat), and he recommended very very strong tea. Soak teabag in hot water until it is "stewed" then hold the liquid in your throat. It takes the swelling down.
These really work! I think home remedies are really worth a try. Poor you, sore throat is horrible, Hope u get better soon.

04-Sep-08, 21:39
You have my sympathies!

I've had it for the past week and a half, it's bloody lousy and nothing seems to ease it off apart from Industrial Grade Strepsils.... Not wanting to choke to death in my sleep on a Strepsil - I ended up taking Lemsip with gallons of honey in just before beddy-byes. That seemed to keep it a bay too.

It'll probably move on to your chest and give you a really irritating cough too. Did with me...:roll:

There's a lot of it about in the County at the moment, Mrs N has just joined the casualty list yesterday.....

04-Sep-08, 21:52
Seems loads are down with this eh now ma pal can hardly speak !!!
Back to the doc i supose
Either that or gargle with whisky ! tastes better than salt

04-Sep-08, 22:37
If I was asthamic and still had a sore throat after a week I'd go back and see the doctor. The org is the last place I'd look for advice if I had the symptoms you've described.

rs 2k
05-Sep-08, 06:54
She was back at the doctors yesterday and the doctor moaned at her and said u have to give the antibiotics time to work!!!

She will need to finish the course, then if she still has a sore throat then go back

Eat toast and ice-cream, that helps :Razz

05-Sep-08, 09:31
What about trying those anesthetic sprays, for a bit of temporary relief? It takes the edge off for 20 mins or so. I too, have been struck by the dreaded lurgie!! sniff.

05-Sep-08, 09:44
She was back at the doctors yesterday and the doctor moaned at her and said u have to give the antibiotics time to work!!!

She will need to finish the course, then if she still has a sore throat then go back

Eat toast and ice-cream, that helps :Razz

Although I sympathise with funky-dunky, as she is obviously distressed, it would have been nice if she had explained that she had only just gotten the antibiotics. As jox implied we can only give our home remedies on here - we are not doctors (well maybe someone is but don't think they would be consulting on here :roll:) - and I am sure everyone who replied was only trying to help. Hope all the sore throat sufferers get better soon!

05-Sep-08, 09:46
If I was asthamic and still had a sore throat after a week I'd go back and see the doctor. The org is the last place I'd look for advice if I had the symptoms you've described.Oh I dunno, A.Usher is a Doctor so I guess he's qualified enough to give you advice.

05-Sep-08, 09:50
Hi is there anyone else out there with a sore throat?

i have had a sore throat since last thursday, so about a week now, everything i take for it is not working and my throat seems to be getting worse,

i went to the doctors and got antibiotics and still not workin, tried gurgiling salty water but nope, i've taken tablets every fours hours since the day its started but nothing,

it just feels as if someone is putting a knife through me or something,my ears hurting with it too. i cant eat drink swollow hardly speak or anything cant even sleep properly.

i cant take strepsils as i am an asthmatic, lockets aint doing anything for me neither,

doctor says my throat swollen really really badly and very very very red

could anyone help please xxxx

go back to dr......now...today...

05-Sep-08, 11:04
Oh I dunno, A.Usher is a Doctor so I guess he's qualified enough to give you advice.

No disrespect to A.Usher, who's postings I have seen many times and is certainly more knowledgable than I on medical matters, but I still wouldn't take his advice via a public forum. I don't know for certain what he's qualified to practice and I'm sure A.Usher would agree with me that it's too easy for someone to come on here and declare themselves a doctor when in fact they could be a charlatan-or a nutter.

05-Sep-08, 11:13
thanks for everyones advice, went back to doctors but they wont do anything will just have to wait for antibiotics to finish, its totally sore but will just have to suffer the pain xxx

05-Sep-08, 11:18
I freely admit to not being a doctor;) and like other posters my advice to Funky Dunky was a) to go back to the doctor and b) to suggest in the meantime a couple of harmless and comforting homemade remedies .... lemon and honey or butterballs rolled in sugar, to ease that soreness a bit.

I didn't realise she'd only just been prescribed the antibiotics and that they wouldn't have had time to work, but in the meantime simple remedies to soothe her throat will do no harm and may help.

A really sore throat that doesn't respond to treatment can be a serious matter as well as very painful -a member of my family ended up in hospital with a quinsy throat that hadn't been properly diagnosed.:(

So Funky Dunky, if you don't improve a lot after a couple of days on the antibiotics, do go back to your GP. And if you do start to feel better, don't forget to finish the course of tablets!

Sorry -posted the above before your last post popped up!

05-Sep-08, 11:37
thanks for everyones advice, went back to doctors but they wont do anything will just have to wait for antibiotics to finish, its totally sore but will just have to suffer the pain xxx

Agree with everyone else...please finish your anti biotics, otherwise you will compromise their effectiveness if you ever need them again.

Lots of pampering and warm soothing drinks. Laze around, lounge about and sleep as much as you like..............:D

05-Sep-08, 13:24
she says she cannot take Strepsils due to her Asthma. Lots of water / liquids to drink will also wash away any bugs lurking there.

Oopsie, I didn't read that one properly did I!

Think you're done for then Funky Dunky. :eek:

Get well soon though.

05-Sep-08, 18:10
McCoys crisps helped a friend with bad tonsillitis, as the big crispy bits took the gunge off the tonsils. Maybe this would help your throat too.

05-Sep-08, 18:20
Alot of people I know have sore throats about this time of year.

05-Sep-08, 19:07
No disrespect to A.Usher, who's postings I have seen many times and is certainly more knowledgable than I on medical matters, but I still wouldn't take his advice via a public forum. I don't know for certain what he's qualified to practice and I'm sure A.Usher would agree with me that it's too easy for someone to come on here and declare themselves a doctor when in fact they could be a charlatan-or a nutter.

he is not a dr. but the husband of dr, natasha usher at dunbeath surgery.i think he is also into homeopathy /natural things.

05-Sep-08, 19:24
McCoys crisps helped a friend with bad tonsillitis, as the big crispy bits took the gunge off the tonsils. Maybe this would help your throat too.
where did you find that one mcoy wqas a cowboy try vick