View Full Version : Mating Call

04-Jun-08, 16:41
Two Red Indians and an Irishman were walking through a forest. Suddenly one of the indians ran up a hill and called into the mouth of a small cave. WOOoo....WOOoo....WOOoo.... He listened for the answering WOOoo....WOOoo....WOOoo..... and then ripped his clothes off and ran in.
The Irishman asked, was the other indian crazy or what?
''No'' the indian replied, ''It's our custom during the mating season when we see a cave and holler. When we get a reply we know there is a beautiful squaw waiting inside.
Just then they came to another cave and the second indian called WOOoo.... WOOoo.... WOOoo.... and immediately there was an answer..so he also ripped his clothes off and ran inside.
The Irishman wandered around for a while and then he spied a huge cave and looked in amazement at the size of the opening and thought............. Begorra there'll be some fine big women in there and he let out a mighty holler WOOoo.... WOOoo.... WOOoo....
Sure enough he heard an answering call WOOOOOO.... WOOOOOO.... WOOOOOO!!!
With a gleam in his eys he raced into the cave, tearing his clothes off as he ran.

The following day the headlines in the local newspaper were..............


04-Jun-08, 20:30

05-Jun-08, 21:31
Glad you like it as I am pretty rubbish at jokes......maybe there's hope for me yet lol:Razz