View Full Version : Toothpaste

Kevin Milkins
17-May-08, 23:12
I have for many years used Colgate toothpaste and have looked after my teeth although I have not been to the dentist for 4 years.
We ran out of Colgate and I used whatever we had available to brush with.
After about 4 days of forgetting to replendish the Colgate supplies my teeth started to ache and became sensitive for the first time ever .
As soon as I started useing Colgate again the pain stopped. I have never been one for being brainwashed with advertising ,but I have to say Colgate does what it says on the tube.

Really, how interesting:confused

Sorry, I bored myself with that thread:lol:

17-May-08, 23:17
I have never been a toothpaste slave but there was an offer on the new style pump/aerosol toothpaste, think it was Colgate. Its horrible, the pump/aerosol thingie doesn't work properly, it is really messy and it looks and tastes really odd.

Next tube I buy will be an old fashioned squeezy type...the brand is immaterial.

footie chick
17-May-08, 23:20
Aquafresh normal tube is the one we all use.:D

17-May-08, 23:22
glad you and your teeth are one again...they have toothpaste in every shape and form these days...

17-May-08, 23:44
they have toothpaste in every shape and form these days...

Toothshaped toothpaste?

Big G
18-May-08, 00:50
I have never been a toothpaste slave but there was an offer on the new style pump/aerosol toothpaste, think it was Colgate. Its horrible, the pump/aerosol thingie doesn't work properly, it is really messy and it looks and tastes really odd.

Next tube I buy will be an old fashioned squeezy type...the brand is immaterial.

That's the one i use. It DOES taste funny, like plastic or something, but it's really good! (i think anyway!)

18-May-08, 06:22
Dont know about keeping your teeth healthy but Colgate work great on Mossy bites,every time I get bitten I put a little dap of Colgate on it,takes away the itch right away so I dont have to scratch http://forum.caithness.org/images/icons/icon6.gif

18-May-08, 11:27
I have never been a toothpaste slave but there was an offer on the new style pump/aerosol toothpaste, think it was Colgate. Its horrible, the pump/aerosol thingie doesn't work properly, it is really messy and it looks and tastes really odd.

Next tube I buy will be an old fashioned squeezy type...the brand is immaterial.

Do you mean the new Aquafresh Iso-active toothpaste? I use that and it does tell you to rinse the top after every use. If you don't, you'll find the next time you come to use it, the toothpaste will have leaked out of the top and made a bit of a mess.

18-May-08, 12:09
Do you mean the new Aquafresh Iso-active toothpaste? I use that and it does tell you to rinse the top after every use. If you don't, you'll find the next time you come to use it, the toothpaste will have leaked out of the top and made a bit of a mess.

Thats the one..its not like normal toothpaste...more green slimy stuff. Won't be buying it again in a hurry.

Re mossy itching...I was always told that toothpaste was good for hiding love bites....!!!:roll:

18-May-08, 12:12
use the lidls herbal stuff, cos i don't really like the minty taste of toothpaste!

18-May-08, 12:48
Kevin, maybe it is a sign you need to go to the dentist?

18-May-08, 13:22
I use the orignal tootpaste "Euthymol" I like it and it does not contain flouride, comes in a tube and does the trick nicely.

18-May-08, 14:17
You should always use toothpaste that has fluoride in it!

18-May-08, 14:41
Dont know about keeping your teeth healthy but Colgate work great on Mossy bites,every time I get bitten I put a little dap of Colgate on it,takes away the itch right away so I dont have to scratch http://forum.caithness.org/images/icons/icon6.gif

Hopefully it will work for midge bites too. [lol]

Kevin Milkins
18-May-08, 15:06
Kevin, maybe it is a sign you need to go to the dentist?.

You are right Fluff,I do need to see a dentist. I have been up here 2 years and still waiting for a place to become available.

18-May-08, 15:11
Do you remember the Pepsodent; 'You'll wonder where the yellow went' jingle? Have not seen it for years, but in December was in Venice and near our hotel off G. Garibaldi was a small shop - nipped in for some water and there on the shelf was tube after tube of 'Peposodent' all in English.. small world!

18-May-08, 15:18
You should always use toothpaste that has fluoride in it!

Well I found out I had thyroid disease and on researching on the web it seemed a lot of articles stated flouride and radiation as suspects and after suffering really badly from this disease I for one don't want to take any risks and if I can find mineral water without flouride will be changing to that too.

18-May-08, 20:35
Re mossy itching...I was always told that toothpaste was good for hiding love bites....!!!:roll:

..........and healing spots! I (like Kismet) prefer Euthymol

18-May-08, 23:34
Well, I can't stand the taste of colgate, its like cheap chewing gum!

Macleans for me! Never had a filling in my life, brush twice a day, with a good rinse.

Admittedly I can wear out one of those indicator brushes in a week, perhaps my style helps to keep the gnashers in good nick [lol]

18-May-08, 23:49
I use the orignal tootpaste "Euthymol" I like it and it does not contain flouride, comes in a tube and does the trick nicely.

I've used that toothpaste before and not to say it's the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted! It smells like the public toilets! Listerine is another thing that stinks to high heaven.

18-May-08, 23:52
You should always use toothpaste that has fluoride in it!

That isn't always the case. Too much toothpaste can actually cause the teeth to crack. It is usually recommended to use toothpaste with at least 1000 ppm of flouride in it but if you find your teeth getting very fragile then stop using flouride toothpaste for a while.

19-May-08, 08:36
Thats the one..its not like normal toothpaste...more green slimy stuff. Won't be buying it again in hurry.

Ah you must have bought the minty citrus one, I nearly did and glad I didn't now. I tried the plain old mint one and it tastes fine, it's really messy though and no matter how hard I try I always manage to get more than I bargained for on my brush.

19-May-08, 08:40
I've used that toothpaste before and not to say it's the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted! It smells like the public toilets! Listerine is another thing that stinks to high heaven.

LOL it is definatley not to everyones taste, am scared to go brush my teeth now in case I start to notice the smell of public toilets, admittedly it is not the normal minty taste of toothpaste and I use Listerene too [lol]

19-May-08, 09:51
LOL it is definatley not to everyones taste, am scared to go brush my teeth now in case I start to notice the smell of public toilets, admittedly it is not the normal minty taste of toothpaste and I use Listerene too [lol]

But then again, the things which are good for you don't necessarily taste or smell nice :Razz

19-May-08, 10:53
But then again, the things which are good for you don't necessarily taste or smell nice :Razz

This is quite true :Razz

19-May-08, 11:10
I knew someone brought up in a very remote part of the county who brushed his teeth with salt as a child and when he did reach a dentist was told he had the best gnashers in the north.

19-May-08, 17:00
Dont know about keeping your teeth healthy but Colgate work great on Mossy bites,every time I get bitten I put a little dap of Colgate on it,takes away the itch right away so I dont have to scratch http://forum.caithness.org/images/icons/icon6.gif

It's also good on love-bites lol