View Full Version : My Dead Cat's Ear Wax Penchant

26-Apr-08, 21:26
This may seem like a frivolous thread but it really means a lot to me.
My favorite cat died a few weeks ago and it is amazing how much you miss them when they're gone. He was a most gentle cat and had a real personality. But one thing that I thought was unique about him was his incredible liking of human ear wax. If I even put my finger anywhere near my ear, he would dart over without any regard for ornaments and inspect or lick off any ear wax that may present itself.

So here is the thing, could all you cat owners or just the genuinely curious, please see if a cat has any wild fascination with ear wax by presenting a good dod of ear wax to the next cat that come your way?

lady penelope
26-Apr-08, 22:20
Eewww!:eek: I never read the thread, just went into it blind! Biscuit in hand ready to take a bite. Eek, scary, but I will ask my cats when I stop wretching :lol:

26-Apr-08, 22:38
Ew, well here goes, ok so he looked, sniffed and then turned away in disgust. Nope, must be just your cat.

Used to have a cat with a fetish for tights though, what could you say about that? lol

27-Apr-08, 16:38
wellll my pal's old cat, tiggy, (deceased but not cos of the ear wax!) used to love it! anytime you had a howk at the old loog the cat would be over wantin to get in about.

02-May-08, 08:06
yuck yuck yuck! :eek::confused

02-May-08, 09:44
Anytime i scratch my head, or if anyone scrathes their head my DOG leaps up to sniff the area!!

Very weird, he always has had a fetish for hair though.

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

03-May-08, 09:22
Several of my cats over the years have loved earwax with a passion. I discovered this trait when I was wee and used it as a "party trick", putting it on my nose and having the cat fervently lick it off!! That was until my mum gave me a slap and told me the cat would chew off the end of my nose and I would need to have a plastic one! Och well, fun while it lasted......

04-May-08, 16:18
I don't have any cats that like earwax(never tried them either) i have one cat however that sits on the back of my chair in the evening and preens my hair for me, she never misses a night and sits for ages doing it, feels quite tickly actually. :lol:[lol]

07-May-08, 15:27
one of my cats will sometimes come and lick my earlobe but thats about as close as she gets to earwax.:lol: