View Full Version : hoosin problem...

31-Mar-08, 22:36
heres a story i came across at ma work....

one o' ma wifies couldna breath wi laughin so much....

its called....'E Hoosin' Problem

A young merried couple went til visit a hoose in 'e country. On their return they suddenly remarked that they hedna noticed a W.C. so they wrote til 'e vicar who hed shown them roond 'e hoose, askin far aboots it wis.

'E vicar bein ignorant o' 'e term W.C. thought they ment Wesleyan Church, imagine 'e couples surprise when they received 'iss reply...

''Dear Sir,

I regret til inform ye that 'e nearest W.C. in 'e area is 5 miles awie fie 'e hoose. 'Iis is rether unfortunate if yer used til goin regularly. However, it may interest ye til ken that many fowlk take their denners an make a day o'ed.

By 'e way, ye mite lek til ken that it is built to accomodate 1000 people an hes bin newly renovated til replace 'e wooden seats wi' flush aines til ensure greater comfort, especially for those who hev til sit a long time before 'e proceedings begin.

Those who can find 'e time til, walk. Others go by train, arriving choost in time. There are special facilities for ladies, provided by 'e minister who gies them ivry assistance they need. Children sit tilgither an' sing during 'e proceedins.

I will close now, howping 'iss'l be o' use til ye, an trust that ye will go regularly. i hev til add that this may become a habit an' gie ye increasin delight both mentally an physically.

Yours Faithfully

The Vicar

PS Hymn sheets will be found hingin behind 'e door. Both sides can be used but please hing them back up again when yer feneshed.''


07-Apr-08, 20:32
Good one had me rolling in the aisle.

21-Apr-08, 00:00
Hilarious, unfortunately I can't share it with my colleagues, the joke would be lost in translation.

21-Apr-08, 01:11
Fabulous trix joost fabulous!

21-Apr-08, 16:27
cheers guys, aye it cracks me up....:lol:

21-Apr-08, 20:08
on the lichter side o life alaugh better an a peel lol tony