View Full Version : Five years on

20-Mar-08, 19:47
I see that it is five years since 'America and her allies' went to war. No matter what we think of the war perhaps it is an fitting day just to give a moments thought to the troops out there.

percy toboggan
20-Mar-08, 23:36
I see that it is five years since 'America and her allies' went to war. No matter what we think of the war perhaps it is an fitting day just to give a moments thought to the troops out there.

A good point, well made.
I keep hearing of 'green shoots of recovery' in Iraq....I hope such talk is accurate.
Certainly groups are talking to each another...people you might not expect
The 'awakening' .....the turning of many Sunni groups to fighting Al-Qaeda, alongside the Americans is most interesting.

The truth will out when the Yanks go home...I'd guess about three years after the British. I maintain that stability in Iraq was never worth any British blood...even though Britain was responsible for creating this hotch-potch of a nation.

I salute all our service personnel out there...and hope they can come home soon. Those who died in Iraq were at least volunteers. Their commitment to Britain cost them their lives in a dusty third world land of division and despair. Perhaps because of political mis-management some folk feel we don't owe them a debt in the case of Iraq, ...but at the very least we do owe them respect, eternal remembrance and a commitment to look after their loved ones.

Five years ago people spoke of a 'war about oil' & I was sceptical.
I think , with the passage of time, the final dawning upon me of senior politicians and their motives I think that just about sums it up.
We live....and learn.