View Full Version : French translation needed...

04-Dec-07, 18:31
Hi i was wondering if anyone speaks good french and could maybe translate this for me.I have recieved it regarding a purchase of ebey , it seems to be the same item but a seller i am not familiar with...Hope you can help....

j'ai commandé chez ce vendeur 2 lecteurs " Free Ship!Real 4GB MP3 MP4 FM Player 0.99 + Free Case ! "
comme le votre. Il se trouve que les 2 sont des faux lecteurs 4Goctet (sur les 2 miens la puce interne est une 2 Goctet seulement, et un lecteur
est hs au niveau de l'ecran). Le vendeur a ete prevenu et reconnais mais propose un remboursement de 10%.....
Le lecteur cracké indique 4Go mais on ne peux pas depasser les 2Go...... (bien que les stick externes indique 4Go , la memoire interne hynix est une 2Go!!!)
si vous voulez des preuves pour savoir si le votre est un lecteur 4Go ou non (photos et procedures pour determiner la taille reelle de la memoire interne) et
determiner si vous etes aussi affecté par cette fraude, mon mail est le
Car j'ai deposé plainte auprès de Paypal mais plus on sera nombreux à constater la fraude plus facile sera le remboursement......

04-Dec-07, 18:38
I used Google

I ordered at the seller 2 readers "Free Ship! Real 4GB MP3 MP4 FM Player 0.99 + Free Case!"
Like yours. It turns out that the 2 are false readers 4Goctet (about 2 mine internal chip is a 2 Goctet only, and a reader
Hs is at the screen). The seller was accused and acknowledge but proposes a refund of 10 %.........
The reader cracké indicates 4Gb but it can not exceed the 2GB ...... (Although external stick indicates 4Gb, the internal memory hynix is a 2GB!)
If you want evidence to see if yours is a drive 4Gb or not (pictures and procedures to determine the real size of the internal memory) and
Determine if you are also affected by this fraud, my mail is the xx
Because I deposé complaint with Paypal, but there will be many more to find fraud will be easier repayment ......

04-Dec-07, 19:17
cheers.Thanks for that.I did not know that google had a translator.I shall have to have a look at that i case get another....But i am greatfull for that as my french is still in the classroom where they tried to teach me it....

04-Dec-07, 20:48

This link does translation to and from many languages

04-Dec-07, 21:08

This link does translation to and from many languages

I used this site to translate a message into German to a Dutch eBay seller who was using German in his listing. It was so sweet to get an email from the guy telling me that my German was better than his!!

04-Dec-07, 22:09
La traduction "Google" cloche un peu en anglais, mais puisque c'est quand meme comprehensible, elle passera pour des buts utilitaires. Traduire Proust - pas sure!!

05-Dec-07, 22:41
La traduction "Google" cloche un peu en anglais, mais puisque c'est quand meme comprehensible, elle passera pour des buts utilitaires. Traduire Proust - pas sure!!

This means "Google translation is pidgin French, useful enough, but not class."

05-Dec-07, 23:04
Too right ywindythesecond and spurtle! I looked at a few Org posts in French translation and they are pretty laughable:roll:. The last sentence of Justine's email is gibberish in English...should read something like ...."the more people who note the fraud, the easier the repayment will be."

If a poster omits or wrongly puts in an apostrophe in "its/it's" in English you get "son/sa" instead of "c'est" etc.....and slang or shorthand gets inappropriate translations e.g. 'Labour' (meaning The Labour Party) gets translated as 'work'!

Still, it's better than nothing if you're stuck!:)

05-Dec-07, 23:11
I think that Justine was less concerned with the 'Aesthetics' than being 'done' financially!

Rheghead responded word for word translation..clumsy sounding BUT legally....Just perfect.


05-Dec-07, 23:13
'Twasn't Rheghead tho karia, it was Google!

05-Dec-07, 23:32
'Twasn't Rheghead tho karia, it was Google!

Crikey Helen..sorry!

What did I miss?:confused
