View Full Version : might sound strange

01-Dec-07, 01:37
This might sound a little weird, but was wondering if anyone elses cat bites your chin? [lol]

Panda, my cat always comes up and lies on my lap, but sometimes he will bite my chin and my face. Not really hard or anything, just think its funny. strange.

01-Dec-07, 04:03
well my new addition does'nt bite my chin, but woke up yesterday with the very strange sensation of someone licking your head all over, prior to actually becoming concious, i thought that's nice :lol: then realised it was moggy, it also uses my legs as a climbing frame to get to the food............painful !!!! think my mog may be a brylcreme addict !!! is that addictive ?

01-Dec-07, 10:07
Yep, the chin nibbling is a familiar occurance, usually around 3am, being woken up to kitty kisses. And if ignored, the do get more insistant.

These i dont mind so much, its the little pressies they wake you up to see!!! At least my little pride of five cats have learned the bedroom is not the place to bring the bodies, but this morning i came down to the kitchen to be confronted by the Mouseville Catsaw Massacre! Not even sure it's my 2 five month old kittens that are catching them themselves or if Mother brings them in for her brood to destroy.

im also trying to convince them that the hamster and bird cages are NOT packed lunches!!!