View Full Version : Do Food scares put you off?

05-Nov-07, 02:54
There always seems to be some headline about things that are not safe to eat or drink. This past week it was about bacon increasing your risk of getting cancer. In years gone by Eggwina Curry told us that eggs were "poison" and it seems that little is safe now.

I simply ignore the bad press on foods that I have been taking for 40 years. How do other orgers react to the latest warnings on favourites that have been declared as killers?

ps Off to have some Microwaved Radioactive Cigars for supper. See you in the next life!!

05-Nov-07, 03:06
I don't have to worry about these type of scares any more as I'm a vegan.

My road down to veganville began when I realised the food I was eating was causing the IBS I suffered for years. Bit by bit I cut out the things my body was reacting to, and through trial and error, I now have no weight problems, perfect cholesterol, and no more IBS.:lol:

05-Nov-07, 10:05
Sadly yes, such reports do put me off certain food - though I have just had my bacon breakfast.
I will try to cut down if it's that bad, but IF it is that bad for us, then why is it still on the shelves?

The problem is, especially in the Egg scare, eggs suddenly became a great danger to our health, and thousands of children have grown up not eating them, and in trying to find another quick and easy substitute mothers opted for a Beef Burger or chips! Surely it would have been better to sort out the Egg problem, encouraging more good free range at affordable prices especially for young children.

I wonder what will replace bacon on our breakfast plates?
I shudder to think.

How expert are the experts?

The Angel Of Death
05-Nov-07, 10:17
Simply NO

The reason why is how long will it be before were not alowed to eat anythign cause its bad for you where will it stop ??? My bet is dont breath the air because it will give you cancer brain damage lukemia etc etc etc

05-Nov-07, 10:21
Put me off my food - not a chance! Everything in moderation as part of a balanced diet is as good a suggestion as any.

05-Nov-07, 13:52
I like the food scares, usually means the prices go down so I can buy more :lol:

Having said that, now that we have the wee man I would probably be a bitty more cautious in what I gave to him, but hubby and myself like our food too much as can be seen by our ever expanding waistlines lol

05-Nov-07, 13:56
never bothered me at all, I could miss out on all the yummy foods and be run over by a bus tomorrow, that would be so sad a life without living is no life at all :lol:

05-Nov-07, 15:34
and now coffee actually does us some good :confused http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article427367.ece

05-Nov-07, 17:16
I personally am still eating my bacon butties for breakfast (try it, beats anything else except blackpudding).

Food scares don't both me as I don't see why something I ate last year / decade should affect me if it hasn't in the past.

Eating eggs is hazardous to your health? Well so is standing in the middle of the M8!!!

05-Nov-07, 17:52
Food scares don't bother me. As you say, if it hasn't killed me so far ..... Anyway, chances are that in a couple of years time they'll all have changed their minds and decide that what they thought was bad actually has some secret enzyme or something and we should have been eating it all along. New discoveries are being made all the time.

05-Nov-07, 20:58
The only food scare that put me off recently, was when my doctor said my cholesterol was too high - thats a proper food scare

05-Nov-07, 21:31
In a word no.

Anything in moderation is not bad for you,its only when you eat or drink something to excess it has an adverse affect.

05-Nov-07, 21:44
I ignore the scares ..it comes around that the food that is bad for you 1 week is good for you the next..eat everything in moderation ..I still like a soft boiled egg (with soldiers)=samonella and high colesterol, a rare to blue steak=bse, worms and food poisoning and venison = high levels of caesium 137, salad stuff when out is dangerous too you know! rice =botulism if you belive everything that is written about food you would starve trying to find something safe to eat!

05-Nov-07, 23:50
I guess if we eat too much of anything it is not going to do us any good. The answer must be to have a well balanced diet and not eat too much at any time.

05-Nov-07, 23:53
don't take any notice of them, or sell by / use by / display until dates

06-Nov-07, 01:59
Not in the least. I have been listening to the same old scare stories about food for over 50 years, going back as far as "Mercury poison from eating tuna fish".
There was a scare “invented” over saccharine giving you cancer over thirty years ago. Experiments had shown that it caused cancer in rats and if you used sweeteners, “You were going to Die!”
It turned out that they had painted a very high concentration of saccharine onto the skin of rats to such an extent that the human equivalent was using something like 3,000 sweeteners a day for fifty years.
If you want to test the idea you are quite welcome to, but don’t complain to me if you are violently sick and quite ill before the end of day one!

I work on the principle that, “believing heath scares can seriously damage your health”. I am waiting for somebody to explain how the Human Race ever managed to survive for so long without the constant advice we seem to require from the growing army of Health “Experts”

06-Nov-07, 07:26
Life 2 short 2 worry about things like that live for today dont worry about tomorrow.

06-Nov-07, 18:46
Life 2 short 2 worry about things like that live for today dont worry about tomorrow.
Maybe if we saw how some things was prepared, etc, etc we would ermmmm be alot thinner[lol] Oh but then there is all that yummy sweets:roll:

08-Nov-07, 12:33
On a very similar theme about scare stories there are two interesting reports out today.

For years the Health Fanatics have been warning everybody to stay out of the sun with dire threats about skin cancer and premature skin ageing.
Today there as a report of research which says the sun is actually good for the skin and helps keep it young and healthy.

We have been warned and threatened about the dangers of being over-weight and it's affects on health, the heart and premature death.
The second report is about research which indicates that being slightly over-weight, but not obese, is actually beneficial to your health, helps the body to fight off disease etc. and actually increases life expectancy.

I'm beginning to think that the best method with all food and health scares is to start every day by tossing a coin.
If it comes down heads then follow all the advice and if tails then just ignore it all.

Well, with the way a different contradiction seems to be produced on a daily basis that system would seem to be as reliable as any.