View Full Version : Tempting Providence

19-Aug-07, 19:33
Oh dear, way back last week in a Poll thread about Govt. protecting us from the Internet, I was stupid enough to say

I opened an email today that I thought was OK and came to one of my addresses that has never had spam before - silly me. Said it was an e-card and it could well have been. Deleted it quickly and of course didn't click any links but expect the damage is done.

Should have known - that was the start. First one a day on that address, then two - it's started. On an address I never use on a website and thought was safe. Not asking for advice as I know there are all sorts of things I can do. Just warning - if you do something silly like I did, don't let THEM know. THEY are everywhere, just watching and waiting to pounce.

20-Aug-07, 00:15
Seriously, I don't think you've done anything 'wrong' at all, it's just the recent rise in bogus e-card spam that's going about.

There's been a recent rise in .pdf attachments in spam mails too, so watch out for them and NEVER open the attachments.

20-Aug-07, 10:17
i get a couple of them every month or so. i just delete them immediately. my mate opened up a few a while back & ended up getting litterally thousands of spam & junk a week/ [mad]
eventually he had to wipe the pc clean and start again with a new email address

20-Aug-07, 10:32
I've given up on two email addresses so far when the amount of spam got ridiculous. Given that I am convinced THEY are watching, this is probably a very silly thing to say but - what I don't understand is why I get spam on the private address and not on the one I use to register on websites etc. Please don't tell anyone though because the thought of having to change my address on all those websites is too awful to contemplate.

It is a pretty scary world out there - all those hackers looking for a chink in your armour, waiting to take over your computer, your bank account, your whole identity. I don't like junk snailmail but at least if you open it nobody knows - you can dispose of it quietly and pretend you didn't see it. Open one junk email and that's it - you've let THEM in :eek:.

20-Aug-07, 10:52
Heehee, Badger....

This sounds a bit like, paranoia........ mind you,

Just because you are paranoid does not mean people aren't really following your cyber antics! [lol]
