View Full Version : Rosehips

20-Oct-19, 10:52

Rosehips are out at this time of year. I am told that they can be made in to rosehip syrup, a good source of vitamin C. Some older friends from different parts of the country said that when they were young (1950s and 1960s), their schools encouraged them to pick rosehips, take them to school, from where the rosehips were sent away to a factory, where the rosehips were processed to give rosehip syrup.

Does anyone know whether children were encouraged to collect rosehips for this purpose in Caithness?

Bill Fernie
21-Oct-19, 16:11
Rosehip syrup video -

Packed with Vitamins - not just Vitamin C - https://www.eatweeds.co.uk/rosehip-syrup-recipe

and - https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/blog/2019/07/raw-rosehip-syrup/

The birds have been gorging on ours for the past week or two.