View Full Version : New gym petition

08-Nov-16, 00:08
Hi all.
Please see attached a petition to show the need for new gym/exercise facilities in the wick area. Any signatures/positive feedback are greatly appreciated.
Please note this venture is not mines, and is a friend's but feel free to pass on any comments you may have to me and I'll send them his way! Cheers. https://www.change.org/p/caithness-business-fund-to-prove-there-is-an-interest-for-better-gym-facilities-in-wick-caithness?recruiter=624095528&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=share_for_starters_page&utm_term=des-lg-no_src-no_msg

08-Nov-16, 07:33
Why do you need a 'petition' for this ? If they think it's worth doing just do it. You petition your elected representatives for change. This is just a marketing exercise. And they're not going to get very far if this is how they think they can start up. This reads like a school enterprise project that kids do in primary school.

08-Nov-16, 17:56
As I said above, this is not my venture. It is a friend's. I think you'll find that it is actually a petition, to show the interest and need for new facilities in the wick area. If it was; as you so eloquently put it, a "marketing exercise", then it would be a poll on who would be interested, and indeed NOT a petition to show why this gym is needed. And as you can plainly see by the signatures available on the petition, over 100 other people so far seem to see it as a petition too, and not an "enterprise project that kids do in primary school". So if you have any further negativity, it would be well appreciated if you could keep it to yourself, and not feel the need to bring down an up-and-coming local business who is trying to better those in the community that seek to better themselves, something that by the sounds of it you could be doing.

08-Nov-16, 18:01
Who are you petitioning?

08-Nov-16, 18:09
It's a petition towards the caithness business fund, transmit start ups and Steven Brown at Kennet leasing to show to prove to them the interest in new facilities for exercise in the wick area.

08-Nov-16, 20:07
You don't 'petition' these people. You take a well thought through and credible business plan to them. Credibility.....null points.

10-Nov-16, 14:29
Onespace... Or should that be "WasteofSpace"?
There seems to be a pattern emerging here.
New business, delinquent and petty reply. Well constructed and informative response, childish record from yourself etc. Now given your track record of targeting business to troll, I assume you may be a businessman yourself? Or even unemployed, either way makes no difference. What you may benefit from is having a friendly discussion with Mr Robertson to go over his business plan and work method, then you may see how ignorant you are being?
And while I can only reassure you that your replies are every bit as valid, although more pointless and uneducated, as everybody else's, I must say the only "credibility" with "null points" around here is in fact your own.
Have a nice day now, must be cold around that bridge under which you and all your other little troll mates (or lack of) reside
Yours sincerely,
Michael Simpson.
Again, not hiding behind a fake name.