View Full Version : Who is America's most disgusting politician?

15-Oct-16, 23:11
Is it Donald Trump for his treatment of women?

Or it is Ben Carson for supporting Trump, trying to silence a British woman journalist and not caring whether Trump's victims are telling the truth about being molested by him?

You choose.

16-Oct-16, 08:53
Is it Donald Trump for his treatment of women?

Or it is Ben Carson for supporting Trump, trying to silence a British woman journalist and not caring whether Trump's victims are telling the truth about being molested by him?

You choose.

Are you talking about current or past ?, regarding silencing women for telling the truth. One popular football player got jailed because the truth could not be repeated in British courts, talk about rigging defences, what is not right is a biased sex discrimination of evidence on say so of one or two individual persons and not being proved except with a coy tear or two and compensation claims that follow providing you earned a small fortune and no actual evidence written filmed backed up by another actually witnessed events. There are nearly always two sides and more than that in some cases depending on how good an actor actress you happen to be. This so called justice has to stop and all evidence revealed in court not just a one sided one person named fiasco that goes on these days and age should not be a decisive factor either as to who is giving public evidence or named, anonymity should not be one sided from the onset as this stops further evidence coming to light as happened with the footballer, he suffered with a jail sentence util suppressed evidence eventually was revealed.
I personally do not like Trump but agree with some of his rheteric including what appears to be media rigging of the election at present.

16-Oct-16, 15:30
Did not like Trump when he tried to oust the folks from Menie for his golf course.

When he came to Scotland to the court over this fight, I heard an unedited interview he did when visiting Scotland which only went out to the community living there - I was disgusted at the manner of speaking and his disregard for anyone else or their thoughts, he came over as a huge bully and completely arrogant, intolerant being.

I believe that due to him supposedly having lots of money he thinks he can buy, manipulate and bully everyone as very few people have obviously stood up to him and his cronies.

16-Oct-16, 17:02
Thanks Pat. That all fits in with the image of Trump that's emerged during the campaign.

I can't see how any woman can vote for him now.

16-Oct-16, 18:58
My thoughts are this would be fair if you had put Bill Clinton, but of course that is not what this web page is all about.

16-Oct-16, 19:11
You're right. This thread is about being disgusted with Trump and his surrogate Carson.

Bill could be bad towards women but surely Trump is worse.

16-Oct-16, 19:22
You're right. This thread is about being disgusted with Trump and his surrogate Carson.

Bill could be bad towards women but surely Trump is worse.

Since when does 2 wrongs make a right ?, who actually gives a toss who wins/buys the American presidential pageantry, not me. But give out proven facts to wrong and ridicule so to prove a point will you. Your dear Bill C was proven and admitted it or does that not count ?.

21-Oct-16, 01:01
Trump gets worse with every debate. Surely the United States of America cannot elect a blatant misogynist. Or can it?

21-Oct-16, 13:26
BUT do we believe what the media is trying to portray - they hold a very very biased angle, the input can make even a saint look bad if/when they decide this is not the person wanted in that position/situation

21-Oct-16, 21:43
Although 'tis of course true that the media can easily distort the truth, we can watch the debates in their entirety and see for ourselves how the Trump behaves throughout.