View Full Version : Write a novel

02-May-07, 08:28
I have always wanted to write a novel but I know I'll never get round to it so had the idea of writing one on here, just add a few lines and we'll see where our story takes us!

The waves crashed angrily against the cliffs as I stood and stared out at the vast oceon in front of me. How had my life turned out this way? I could feel the tears beginning to form in my eyes as I tried not to think of everything that had happened in the past. I must look to the future, whatever that may bring.

02-May-07, 21:49
I turn slowly, the strap of my crimson lace dress falls down over the top of my arm.
I feel the long, wet grass brushing against my bear skin as i walk elegantly down the path on which i came.
A short way of I can see the old Apple Tree, and beyond that all that I own.
Thoughts still running through my head, how will i ever love again?

02-May-07, 21:57
As I walk towards the rambling old farmhouse that has been a part of my life for so long I wonder sadly if any of the dreams that I had held for that dear old house would ever come true.

It seemed impossible to think that only a few short months ago my life had been so full of joy, now my dreams were torn away from me as violently as the waves crashed against rocks on the shore.

03-May-07, 18:09
With Tear filled eye's, i can just make out a tall dark figure. I stop, swiping away the little dripplets of water from my Pale Soft skin.
I pull up the strap to my lace dress, but i am now aware that i am without shoes.
I regain my posture and walk towards the gentleman, curious of what he might want.

03-May-07, 18:41
As I approach him, he takes off his hat, steps towards me, and greets me with the words:
"My dear, you do not know me...."

04-May-07, 22:04
As I look into his deep blue eyes there is something that seems familiar about him, a vague recollection of the past, something in the way he stands and the way his gaze penetrates in to my very being

'What do you want here?' I ask.

05-May-07, 18:49
He Lower's his head, raising a single eyebrow, smiles and with a nod
say's " well, well see you have the same old habit, Where are your
shoes this time?"
Standing there, wet grass underfoot, i think, yes just side step my
Again i ask "what do you want here?"

05-May-07, 22:11
I have come to warn you that your life is in danger, you must come with me now.

06-May-07, 18:41
'But everything I have is here, who are you to tell me what I should do? I reply.

He looks at me, a kindly face, deeply wrinkled, should I trust him or is he just another who will tear my life apart?

'Trust me, it is hard for you I know but I am here to help, you must come away now, I will explain everything on the way'

06-May-07, 19:20
I take his outstretched hand, he smiles.
"walk with me my lady" his words are kind, but my trusting nature has got me into trouble in the past.
As we walk he begins to talk, " I need you to listen to me and listen carefully, Jennifers death was no accident".

08-May-07, 08:31
I look at the stranger in disbelief.

'but she slipped and fell off the cliff, it was an accident, why would anyone want to hurt Jennifer? She was a friend to everyone, we all loved her dearly'

The man looks at me with sorrow in his eyes.

' there are things about Jennifer that you need to know, she had secrets, secrets that she kept hidden from everyone, even her closest friends'

08-May-07, 19:05
"She was a member of El Diablo, yes thats right,
She was an occultist" His face was serious.
My jaw fell open, we used to joke about this as children, my
thoughts all over the place.
" I, I, erm, I mean we used to read up on the :how to: book's,
But, but, We stopped after we became to afraid".

10-May-07, 08:24
'Well Jennifer was not afraid, in fact what got her in to trouble was when she started to question her beliefs, the others in the sect did not like it, it had to be all or nothing, she knew she was in too deep, that's when she came to me, she was so afraid, that sweet innocent young child that I had known was gone forever, all I could see was the fear in her eyes that's why I had to try and help.'

12-May-07, 22:27
I look at him and ask:
'Why did she come to you for help? We were best friends, she always came to me with her problems.'

'Many years ago, when you were both still very young I promised Jennifers father that I would always be there to help and guide her, he knew he was dieing and he needed to know that there would be someone he trusted to look out for her and be there to help if it was needed. A year after his death I had to go abroad and had been unable to properly fulfill my promise. I came back six months ago, I looked for Jennifer and when I found her I felt so guilty, the beautiful young face was so full of sadness, I felt that I was partly to blame for what had become of her and pleaded with her to tell why she suffered so much.'

I can see the pain on the old mans face as he tries to explain.