View Full Version : Black cat found in Upper Burnside area

25-Feb-15, 01:21
This lovely black cat has been seen in the Upper Burnside area since mid-January. He's friendly but seems lost as he's always hungry. He's not microchipped.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10403019_905873042766213_8153937403566804125_n.jpg ?oh=37116039ca1afcfd9626c3d1939cc180&oe=558520B7&__gda__=1430990398_24256bf81f5a3f03f8f4b2b53d42bd6 a

If you know whose cat this may be, please contact the Cats Protection helpline on 0845 371 4217. Thank you

25-Feb-15, 22:25
This pic looks very much like my Bo who's been missing from Watten since November. I have left a message on the phone & hope to hear soon. Fingers crossed

26-Feb-15, 16:50
I am not having any luck in contacting someone so as can go and see the cat.

03-Mar-15, 17:53
Did anyone give an answer to bod1403 ??; or if this situation has been resolved I'm sure that I will not be the only one to be relieved to know the outcome . . .

05-Mar-15, 13:35
Unfortunately not my Bo but a really gorgeous cat, so loving. I hope he finds a good home. Still looking for Bo though.

06-Mar-15, 12:29
where is the cat now plz?as we lost our cat a while back.hes elderly and called ozzy.very friendly and has a habit of climbing in cars trucks tractors so could have travelled a way from home.thanks

08-Mar-15, 14:17
I think he's with the cats protection. If you pm luskentyre he may be able to help. Hope he's Ozzy.

09-Mar-15, 09:33
have pmd and left a message on the cats protection.thanks.

10-Mar-15, 20:45
Fingers crossed.