View Full Version : Small black & white cat, missing from Ackergill Crescent

08-Feb-15, 20:21
Socks is a young black and white cat missing from Ackergill Crescent since early February. She was wearing a pink collar with a name tag on it when last seen. She's quite small for her age.

If you've any information about Socks, please contact her owner on 07594 976 099 or 01955 604468.

Thank you.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10978490_898002426886608_9111461407749167692_n.jpg ?oh=3c256f0146aecc8e0fa8f2ef02682411&oe=5558B3D3&__gda__=1432001643_b0551448ceef4c520442181db2a5f35 2