View Full Version : Smart Young Lady

Kevin Milkins
04-Feb-15, 21:27
Miss Vintage UK slams ‘reckless’ and ‘provocative’ modern-day female fashion

I read this article written about a young lady that wants to buck the trend of dressing stereo typical fashion on what is perceived by many of her age as "cool".

I find it refreshing to read an opinion from such a young person along the lines that I have felt about female fashion for many years and hope she can help reverse some of the trends that has lead to despair in many youngsters.

Please read the full article before kneecapping me.


05-Feb-15, 11:33
There is a lot in what Holly Foster is saying; although I'm not sure knitted cardies and voluminous hooped skirts are the way to go. Fortunately I had sons but I know of many fathers who despair at the fashion and behaviour their daughters display. Girls need to know that they don’t have to dress and behave like Miley Cyrus, Rihanna or Lady Gaga to be liked and respected. There is no reason girls cannot take time to find modern, stylish clothing that doesn’t leave them showing large expanses of flesh and looking cheap.