View Full Version : Are you a hoarder?

23-Mar-07, 22:41
Fine line between a collector and a hoarder but I've recently started to think I'm more a hoarder than a collector. For example, I saw some nice bamboo wood chopping boards at a very good price the other week and instead of buying just one I thought to myself "may as well buy 5 so I'll always have some in reserve" so I ended up buying six :eek:

I don't know what it is with me of late but "one" is never enough.... I needed a new set of valves for a headphone amplifier and ended buying up 200 pairs (400 valves) from a guy in Russia thinking "they'll come in handy" they were a really good price though and can be resold on ebay for twenty times the price I paid for them so.......

I always manage to justify these ridiculous purchases, a guy on a headphone forum recently asked me why I needed 41 headphone amplifiers and 26 pairs of headphones and I came out with the line that I was a collector...... erm, absolute nonsense! The things are mostly sitting in a cabinet gathering dust and I really want to sell 90% of them off but when it comes down to taking photos of them ready to go onto ebay I think "nope, can't get rid of that it'll come in handy some day" I even bought "another" one last night on ebay (though it will be used) and also bought two High end Chinese CD players (they were an absolute steal at the price) even though I already have 14 CD players.........

Don't get me wrong I'm not like this with everything, I can be really brutal and say goodbye to some things easily..... only yesterday I threw a kettle in the bin and last week I smashed a freeview box with a hammer and threw it into the bin.... it's only certain things I stash (mostly audio gear / components / valves) but I really wish I could break the habit.... ebay makes it hard with so much on offer but I must pull the plug on this soon otherwise audiophiles from around the globe will soon be heading over to visit the Caithness headphone amp museum :confused

Any other hoarders / collectors (or whatever you want to call this condition) here?

the charlatans
23-Mar-07, 22:48
i'm putting my hands up here.

i am a crafter, make cards, sew and knit so my cupboards, loft, any available space is full of boxes of card, paper, materials and 'oh thats pretty, it'll make something nice'.

but manfromdelmonte i dont' think i'm as bad as you. 5 extra bamboo chopping boards? are you an octopus or are you really heavy on the chopping????

Cedric Farthsbottom III
23-Mar-07, 22:50
Hello I'm Cedric and I'm an A4 pad hoarder.Love A4 pads.I also know a File Box hoarder but thats another story.:lol:

23-Mar-07, 23:07
I hoard any kind of packaging, mainly for ebaying, I have loads and loads of jiffy bags and tons of bubble wrap and bags.

As for anything else no, I am always recycling, chucking out or giving stuff I don't want to charity, my house isn't big enough!

23-Mar-07, 23:25
Fine line between a collector and a hoarder but I've recently started to think I'm more a hoarder than a collector. For example, I saw some nice bamboo wood chopping boards at a very good price the other week and instead of buying just one I thought to myself "may as well buy 5 so I'll always have some in reserve" so I ended up buying six :eek:

I don't know what it is with me of late but "one" is never enough.... I needed a new set of valves for a headphone amplifier and ended buying up 200 pairs (400 valves) from a guy in Russia thinking "they'll come in handy" they were a really good price though and can be resold on ebay for twenty times the price I paid for them so.......

I always manage to justify these ridiculous purchases, a guy on a headphone forum recently asked me why I needed 41 headphone amplifiers and 26 pairs of headphones and I came out with the line that I was a collector...... erm, absolute nonsense! The things are mostly sitting in a cabinet gathering dust and I really want to sell 90% of them off but when it comes down to taking photos of them ready to go onto ebay I think "nope, can't get rid of that it'll come in handy some day" I even bought "another" one last night on ebay (though it will be used) and also bought two High end Chinese CD players (they were an absolute steal at the price) even though I already have 14 CD players.........

Don't get me wrong I'm not like this with everything, I can be really brutal and say goodbye to some things easily..... only yesterday I threw a kettle in the bin and last week I smashed a freeview box with a hammer and threw it into the bin.... it's only certain things I stash (mostly audio gear / components / valves) but I really wish I could break the habit.... ebay makes it hard with so much on offer but I must pull the plug on this soon otherwise audiophiles from around the globe will soon be heading over to visit the Caithness headphone amp museum :confused

Any other hoarders / collectors (or whatever you want to call this condition) here?

What a good thread!! I have copied it and am saving it. I am sure I shall find it useful to refer to at later date.

23-Mar-07, 23:54
OCD ???? manfromdelmonte :eek:

24-Mar-07, 03:00
Don't get me wrong I'm not like this with everything, I can be really brutal and say goodbye to some things easily..... only yesterday I threw a kettle in the bin and last week I smashed a freeview box with a hammer and threw it into the bin....

Tut tut, electrical items can no longer be put in bins and must be sent for specialist disposal

24-Mar-07, 04:54
I'm afraid I have to admit to being a bit of a hoarder too, man_from _delmonte! :o But not to the degree that you are, lol! I do collect some things as well, but my hoarding instinct tends to kick in more if the item(s) are at a good discount price, and it is something I like and will use. That's provided I have the money at the time, of course.

If I receive something wrapped in bubble wrap, I save the bubble wrap in case I need to mail something myself that is breakable. I also have a tendency to hold onto cardboard boxes (of a reasonable size) in case I need them for mailing. I have to be careful I don't save too many, though, as my husband throws them all out if he thinks I'm over doing it! Inevitably, when that happens, the need for one of them arises afterwards, but oops, it's too late by then!

Please don't take this the wrong way, but you might be getting worse, because you're getting older. I note that you are middle-aged like myself, and I find I am more of a hoarder now than when I was young!! :eek:

24-Mar-07, 09:43
another thread *nature of the beast* as it was put:roll: ( greed )[lol]
ok ,ok not funny but i couldna help it.

24-Mar-07, 09:52
I hoard any kind of packaging, mainly for ebaying, I have loads and loads of jiffy bags and tons of bubble wrap and bags.

You can never have too many jiffy bags Julia, I got 500 from Viking direct for some crazy price like £11 or thereabouts, also got 36 rolls of parcel tape for around £5.... you buy "one" jiffy bag in a shop and it'll cost you at least 50p....... Viking do some great bubblewrap too, you get a HUGE 60 metre roll of the stuff for around £13 (buy 3 get one free offer on at the moment by the way) you can never have too much packaging Julia... always comes in handy.

24-Mar-07, 10:06
http://forum.caithness.org/images/icons/icon6.gif I dont know if i hoard of not I just never through anything out,never know when it might come in handy,at least that's the story i give the wifehttp://forum.caithness.org/images/icons/icon6.gif

24-Mar-07, 12:16
new set of valves for a headphone amplifier

(off-topic alert!)Ah! A connoisseur.... Never had a valve-powered amp but listened to some good ones in my time. Used to have a Naim pre- and power amp / Linn Sondek / Ittok / Supex years ago - couldn't afford the Krell amps :lol:(/off-topic alert)

My fatal weakness is for luggage. Not suitcases, you understand, but small to medium Cordura bags I can use for weekends away, for stuffing into odd nooks and crannies on the bike, for carrying mini-pc, headphones, books, newspapers and all sorts of other useful bits and pieces around with me if I'm travelling. Must be the wanderlust that causes me to do it......

24-Mar-07, 12:22
(off-topic alert!)Ah! A connoisseur.... Never had a valve-powered amp but listened to some good ones in my time. Used to have a Naim pre- and power amp / Linn Sondek / Ittok / Supex years ago - couldn't afford the Krell amps :lol:(/off-topic alert)

My fatal weakness is for luggage. Not suitcases, you understand, but small to medium Cordura bags I can use for weekends away, for stuffing into odd nooks and crannies on the bike, for carrying mini-pc, headphones, books, newspapers and all sorts of other useful bits and pieces around with me if I'm travelling. Must be the wanderlust that causes me to do it......

Oh No, I bet you have a "Man Bag" too, hate them things, see them in the city, blokes mincing along with them [disgust]

24-Mar-07, 13:41
Give us a kiss and I'll tell..... :lol::lol:

24-Mar-07, 14:13
I wouldn't say you are a hoarder if you buy five or six of something because you are getting a bargain, thats good sense, chopping boards don't last forever. And any other item if you buy real cheap and is new you can resell on Ebay and make some money. I would say your more of a closet warehouseman than a hoarder. I always think a hoarder is someone who keeps struff that is past its prime, or no longer used by anyone, so they put it in a cupboard, box, attic, drawer anything and just keep it when it would make more sense to put it out for the bin men or give it to a jumble sale. I think thats what a hoarder is, when your house ends up with too much clutter because you won't throw old stuff away. Most hoarders keep stuff for sentimental value at times, thinking they don't use this anymore but remember the time we did and something funny happened around it etc, lets hoard it instead :Razz

I am a collector, but not a hoarder, periodically I throw a bunch of crap out or will sell stuff. I collect diecast stock cars, american racing driver cards (kind of like footy stickers or baseball cards, the real card ones not like stickers) and more recently I started drinking any kind of drinking glass because I am building a bar in my house, anything with writing on it or a nice shape.

24-Mar-07, 15:06
everytime by botfriend buys something he keeps the box and packaging for it. It drives ne Nuts!!

My spare room is full of empy boxes!!!! :~(

24-Mar-07, 15:28
I usually find a use for something I've hoarded for years....a week or so after I've finally thrown the stupid thing out :(

24-Mar-07, 15:38
everytime by botfriend buys something he keeps the box and packaging for it. It drives ne Nuts!!

My spare room is full of empy boxes!!!! :~(

HA HA, I do that too but only with my sports cars, the reason being if I decide to sell them, unless you have the original packaging you have decreased the value of the thing by a sometimes 50% or more :)

24-Mar-07, 15:57
everytime by botfriend buys something he keeps the box and packaging for it. It drives ne Nuts!!

My spare room is full of empy boxes!!!! :~(

I was quilty of that too, they were handy if I wanted to sell whatever it was later on (ebay again), I was ruthless one day and threw the whole lot out.

I have eBay on the brain! :eek:

24-Mar-07, 16:33
I have eBay on the brain! :eek:

How many e-bay transactions? I'm up to 167 so far :D 100% positive feedback too.

24-Mar-07, 17:04
How many e-bay transactions? I'm up to 167 so far :D 100% positive feedback too.

1,509 to date :eek:

I have 99.9% positive feedback, the one neg I received was not my fault and I reported her to ebay, she's no longer a registered user.

24-Mar-07, 17:51
I usually find a use for something I've hoarded for years....a week or so after I've finally thrown the stupid thing out :(

Snap Angela.:lol:

24-Mar-07, 17:57
Lol, I used to think I was a hoarder, until I read TMFDM's thread!! I have to admit, I do have a loft full of boxes for things though. Just about to put the PS3 one up there with them !

24-Mar-07, 18:04
Am sure my family would say i am a hoarder of handbags have one or 2 in the house and hanging on doors. lately i seem to be collecting trainers. but i do like odd stuff like the star wars mr potatos.

25-Mar-07, 21:38
This word hoarding really needs to be consigned to the dustbin of history as it conveys an unfortunate image of scrooge like kleptomania. We are not some sort of socially deviant speculators but instead most of us are carefully husbanding the planets resources prior to channeling them into recycling.

Admittedly this may involve retaining some items on the premises until the correct opportunity arises, but what a glow of satisfaction and pride can swell your breast when that piece of bubblewrap, cardboard box or plastic container can be used again.

However the ultimate satisfaction is when you can take some mundane throwaway item and use it for a totally different purpose to what it was originally designed for. Did you know that if you cut of the bottom of a five litre oil motor oil container with a side handle it makes an ideal bailer for your boat or scoop for hen food, sand or similar substances? And then there are the bits of net, rope and buoys, driftwood and odd containers which you can pick up on the shore and recycle. And what about skips with perfectly good windows, doors and bits of wood just sitting on the edge of the road?

I like the story from the Inverness recycling depot where if someone drops off an old bike outside the gate it is still likely to be there in the morning but if it is just inside the fence then it usually vanishes overnight.

Has anyone else come up with a novel use for something that might ordinarily have been destined for the dump?

25-Mar-07, 23:43
I, obviously, am a bit of both. Surely attics are there, only to store all the wee or big items I can't bring myself to throw out!! I can't pass a nice mug eapecially if it has a cat on it. I must have dozens, and have threatened my children with a codicil to my will, stating that they must be equally divided between them and kept on display for at least six months before they can get rid of them! tee hee.
But how sad is this, I cannot throw away candle stubs. They may come in handy in times of power cuts. I have an old grater and shave them down, especially the scented ones, and place the shavings around a stub in a glass or candle holder and hey presto, a new candle. Writing this has been a kind of therapy, I'm off into the attic tomorrow!!

26-Mar-07, 00:15
Had 18 motorcycles at one time,you can never have too much of a good thing!! But not any more.

27-Mar-07, 11:25
Recently visited an old friend who took me into his garage, not a car in sight but 24 bicycles including two tandems and four fixed wheel bikes!
Very impressive collection particularly of classic racers from the sixties.

28-Mar-07, 01:21
[QUOTE=the charlatans;204477]i'm putting my hands up here.

i am a crafter, make cards, sew and knit so my cupboards, loft, any available space is full of boxes of card, paper, materials and 'oh thats pretty, it'll make something nice'.

Me too. that little bit of material or wool or paper WILL come in handy sooner rather than later.

Like containers too! fancy boxer or practical plastic
regards robyn