View Full Version : North Highland Rail Line

21-Sep-14, 21:31
Why is it that the trains between Wick/Thurso and Inverness are so often running late? There always seems to be some fault with the train or with the line. It's ridiculous. Caithness definitely has a second rate rail service and I'm sure it wouldn't be accepted anywhere else. Train North from Inverness running 40 mins late at the moment![disgust]

21-Sep-14, 22:33
Don't you realise? We are on the buttend of nowhere. (that is not my opinion but my perception of the mindset of those in charge of investment)

21-Sep-14, 22:46
So far as I can tell, similar problems arise everywhere.

But the local train is bloody slow, even when not late.

21-Sep-14, 22:49
We not only get a second class service when it comes to trains I would say its the same with the buses. As it has been alluded to by a previous poster we are at the end of the country and the end of company's thoughts we get all the cast offs and rubbish stuff shipped to here.

21-Sep-14, 22:56
If you want to improve the rail service for the area then you have to play to the areas' strengths in terms of business. Ask yourself, which business sector is desperate to establish itself into caithness but is blocked on almost every level?

22-Sep-14, 06:45
Ask yourself, which business sector is desperate to establish itself into caithness but is blocked on almost every level?
