View Full Version : Home wanted for Henry

11-Sep-14, 21:14
Henry is around 11 years old and his owner is sadly looking to rehome him due to changing circumstances. He's very much an outdoor cat but appreciates the comforts a home has to offer! A home in the country would ideally suit him.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/q81/p403x403/1453299_810057745681077_4271776614881655713_n.jpg? oh=b3377d4e7a32c1ffcb2261b32fa28c29&oe=5483026C&__gda__=1422615218_ba27e2d11ab449935e3315a3a03af98 6

If you think you can offer Henry a loving home, please contact his owner on 01847 821180. Thank you.

12-Oct-14, 14:23
Henry still looking for a home...