View Full Version : Black and white cat missing from Keiss area

26-Jul-14, 17:23
Smirny is a small black and white cat, missing from the Keiss area since mid-July. He's just over a year old, has a chunky flat tipped tail and is extremely friendly.

Please call 01955 631385 if you've any information. Thank you.

12-Oct-14, 23:41
We're still looking for our Smirny, he is very much missed by his people. Any information would be helpful. He was last seen being scared off by another bigger Tom cat. He has very distinct markings, 3 black spots down his tummy, a thick tail, is exceptionally friendly, is 1yr old and not neutered. Please help us find him, we need him home, thanks so much.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10556511_671689282923544_8777467895495831835_n.jpg ?oh=41b71e0fe8e2ddfdff8b6f86a97d174a&oe=54AB8D7C&__gda__=1422132640_9e811052815dd352cce1da3b6398f70 7