View Full Version : Racial Tension.

07-Mar-07, 18:24
As everyone knows Highland Council are in the process of rolling out there PPP school buliding progects.
Word of warning.
Our new high school is in this process just now.My son and his father work together as local joiners and were due to start work on the building site on Monday.They have just recieved a phonecall informing them that they are no longer required and the company will not be recruiting local joiners for a while.
Fifty men are apparently starting on Monday from down south.They will require accommodation and food which argably will bring money to Portree.
This is fillig up the local BB, hotels and the pubs.Would you want to stay here now for your holidays.?This is an eighteen month contract.
My son is not knowingly a racist but is remark was "Banned "word Poles.:mad:
I can feel the tension already mounting just wait till next weekend.
Where are the local jobs that were promised or the apprenticeship?:mad:

07-Mar-07, 22:13
Cuddlepop.There may be more to this than seems at first, but if not then it is looking like the thin edge of the wedge...
Hope we are both wrong.