View Full Version : Gapyear

22-Feb-07, 15:11
hey everyone

Have been thinking about taking a gap year after my studies. Have been looking at websites and i cant believe how cheap it is for a year. Would like to get the chance to do paid work and volunteer work in Australia. Have found a good package that includes australia, new zealand and bangkok and includes everything apart from extra activities.

The sites say that they really look after you and a lot is in included, but im still really nervous about the whole thing, kind of puts me off.

Im just wondering if anyone has ever went on a gap year? where did you go and what was it like? How much extra money would i need to take roughly? i will hopefully be working but just incase?

Thanks, help will be really appreciated x

22-Feb-07, 17:29
I wish I could have taken a Gap year and recommend it, as it will make you grow up alot. The most I got to do was a uni linked programme at the end opf my studies.
The only thing I would point out is that you will be taking care of yourself. There will be no one close by to bail you out, so ALWAYS make sure you are sensible and don't put yourself into dangerous situations.

Go, have fun, learn alot about the world and yourself and then come home to your family knowing what it feels like to miss them, swearing never to take them for granted again! Or at least untill the next family argument.... ;)

PS: Have an EMERGENCY credit card. Make sure you have the discipline not to use it unless you absolutely have to. I wouldn't recommend traveling with too much money in your pocket.