View Full Version : Two 6-8 month old cats free to good home.

04-Nov-13, 18:30
I am looking to re-home two cats, both roughly around the same age (Between 6 and 8 months old). A male called Apollo who has been castrated and is very people friendly and affectionate, and a female called Bagheera who is yet to be Spayed due to suspicion of her being pregnant.

Both cats are litter trained and wormed, coming from a home of 3 children under 8 years old and energetic dogs. They live in but go out during the day.

Bagheera is a friendly cat, although she doesn't like to be fussed over, and can get slightly rough if she is given too much attention. We think she was a feral cat before we got her at about 2 months old from a friend, and because of this she is possessive of her food, however she is not aggressive and just prefers to be left alone to eat.

Apollo is a domestic cat and is extremely loving and affectionate. He loves attention and him and Bagheera play regularly.

Re-homing due to the house being far too chaotic with 4 cats, 1 dog, 3 children and 3 adults living here, and also due to insufficient funds and not being able to afford them anymore.

Both cats must be re-homed as a pair, as they are very close and this will make the move better for both cats.

If you are interested please call Chloe or Daniel on 01593 721 220 -- we are in Lybster.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/v/1462159_10200800955726243_19009245_n.jpg?oh=bfc5c3 b42a9c36dddbe6f77410acc848&oe=5279BA92&__gda__=1383729542_957885a7c9b26e976fe6f4027778715 6

07-Nov-13, 22:18
Bump - Both Cats still available for Re-Homing.

12-Nov-13, 13:33
Bump - Still available