View Full Version : Wimbledon Mens Final

Kevin Milkins
07-Jul-13, 14:19
It's good to see an all Scottish final this year, lol. https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/s403x403/17521_10151709887368944_244364487_n.jpg Will Andy do it this Year?

07-Jul-13, 18:36
77 years and counting. How long before an Englishman wins again?Despite John Inverdale's effort at making it an impressive win for the English region.

07-Jul-13, 20:33
I do believe andy referred to himself as British in his post match interview.

07-Jul-13, 21:53
I do believe andy referred to himself as British in his post match interview. That is fair enough, he lives and trains in England, his girlfriend is English, he was born in Scotland, he is a Scotsman and a true Brit, Well done on a great performance Andy:)

07-Jul-13, 23:33
It's good to see an all Scottish final this year, lol. https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/s403x403/17521_10151709887368944_244364487_n.jpg Will Andy do it this Year?

That is so funny Kevin. May your good sense of humour always prevail here on the forums.

Kevin Milkins
08-Jul-13, 07:02
I missed the match because of work and when I came in and logged on I was expecting a load of same o same o.

Well done Mr Murry, along the the Lions it would seem we are no longer a nation of nearly men. It must be a great feeling to wake up this morning to the fact that all he has worked for has come good at last.

08-Jul-13, 07:47
Yes, another ex-pat millionaire. The new Ecky's Republic of Scotland will never see a groat! [lol]

08-Jul-13, 11:12
I loved it. Sat with my parents who are visiting and my mum in law and hubby and we cheered and shouted. It was so up and down and the last game was a whole match in one game but we were delighted when Andy Murray finally won. Fab!

08-Jul-13, 12:12
Every time I watched a point, Andy lost it, so I did us all a favour and stopped watching until it was all over.

Love the photo and caption- it was a genuine LOL.

08-Jul-13, 12:42
What annoys me most about the tennis was the fact that if a game ran late they moved the rest of the evening viewing back (had to resort to torrents to see Eastenders on Friday)...
No need for it in this day and age of digital TV (is anybody still on analogue), all they have to do is put it on the red button.

08-Jul-13, 18:15
Yes, another ex-pat millionaire. The new Ecky's Republic of Scotland will never see a groat! [lol] Andy Murray has just bought a large estate on the outskirts of Dunblane. Not sure if it's to be his residence or a hotel. Either way, it's great for the local community.

08-Jul-13, 20:04
What annoys me most about the tennis was the fact that if a game ran late they moved the rest of the evening viewing back (had to resort to torrents to see Eastenders on Friday)...No need for it in this day and age of digital TV (is anybody still on analogue), all they have to do is put it on the red button. That's standard for any televised sporting event that over runs is it not?

08-Jul-13, 21:09
That's standard for any televised sporting event that over runs is it not?

Yes it is, back in the days of analogue there was no alternative, but in this digital age there are alternatives so should they not make use of them?

08-Jul-13, 22:13
Yes it is, back in the days of analogue there was no alternative, but in this digital age there are alternatives so should they not make use of them?Would have been preferable if the cancelled eastenders full stop.

08-Jul-13, 22:17
Would have been preferable if the cancelled eastenders full stop.

Maybe, but that is beside the point... The point is that they now have options to avoid interrupting the schedule so why are they stuck in analogue mode?

10-Jul-13, 18:28
This sorts out the English / Scottish / British debate.

10-Jul-13, 18:56
This sorts out the English / Scottish / British debate.

This is a better picture of our British Andy
http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1024&bih=658&q=andy+murray+celebtates+olympic&oq=andy+murray+celebtates+olympic&gs_l=img.12... ...1ac..19.img.I_XP5yCviVQ#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=Xfwx6aDG3l0TjM%3A%3B8BpL5xa56MJEhM%3Bhttp%25 3A%252F%252Fstatic.guim.co.uk%252Fsys-images%252FGuardian%252FPix%252Fpictures%252F2012% 252F8%252F14%252F1344946146712%252FAndy-Murray-celebrating-h-010.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.guardian.co.uk%25 2Fcommentisfree%252F2012%252Faug%252F14%252Folympi cs-scottish-independence%3B460%3B276

10-Jul-13, 23:05
Andy is just great, he is on his way now, he will win a few more Grand Slams. One of the greatest tennis players in the world, and yes he has been out of Scotland a lot, he went to Spain as a young boy to learn his game, there is nowhere here to get him up to that standard, he has to leave Scotland to play the game, there are no tournaments here.
He has earned a lot, but he has worked hard for it, and he has also given a lot back to various causes, and Ducati your little blast sounds like sour grapes/jealousy to me.

11-Jul-13, 09:26
, and Ducati your little blast sounds like sour grapes/jealousy to me.

..or just a p take of eck

11-Jul-13, 12:44
Andy Murray has just bought a large estate on the outskirts of Dunblane. Not sure if it's to be his residence or a hotel. Either way, it's great for the local community.

Why- do they need more grumpy people in Dunblane?

11-Jul-13, 18:49
Eh??? The people of Dunblane are amazing and not in the least bit grumpy. Not sure what you're getting at....oh, you mean Andy? Ha ha. Hilarious.