View Full Version : North Korea

08-Mar-13, 22:30
Just curious as to people's views on today's events

08-Mar-13, 22:40
I've not followed it too closely but sabre rattling I'd say.

If China are telling them to cool it then they know they are goosed. I sense another nation that is bound for some unravelling and a Korean 'Spring', then maybe a dose of 'Democracy' courtesy of the US...... but hang on, what resources have they got.....

08-Mar-13, 22:51
I'm not sure whether its sabre rattling the new young leader trying to show he is strong and gain a lot of face, but maybe he has overstepped the mark with the pre-emotive strike threat as the USA is effectively impotent as far as military intervention is concerned due to its proximity to china,but China I feel has been happy to let the charade continue because N Korea has never really had the ability to do anything but now they have long range missile it's a major power shift so they might roll over to keep the peace but I don't feel there will be a N Korean spring because the country is still massively suppressed by the military and controlling elite, mind there's always a possibility he is as crazy as a coot then who knows what might happen he did look a bit wobbly today

09-Mar-13, 14:08
i feel that china will have a quiet word. but after studying the opposing forces if it came to war the the north would make advances to begin with then the south would overwhelm the north much as the last time but i think the usa and the south would not push on and ask china to intervene.