View Full Version : hamster burned.

04-Oct-12, 23:21
Cheddar chose the best hideyhole he could have ....
until the back boiler kicked in...
Now he is suffering burn inuries ..has painrelief meds and cream and antibiotics etc................
But now thinking about life management and loss of sight as well as whiskers ...any advice?
plus would like anyone who is breeding dwarf russian hamsters to get in contact if they would want a male who doesnt bite no matter what is thrown at him and is peach to orange in coloured.
He has a remarkable temperment!
And would love an ofspring witth Cheedars temperament to replace if need be or to be a PET alongside him.as he is very much loved as would his offspring ..
Heck Cheddar spends a lot of his time up my sleeve...consficated nor not..........