View Full Version : Basra Calling Caithness.Orgers

Bill Fernie
10-Dec-06, 12:15
Message received from Capt KC Mackay in Basra by Bill Fernie a few minutes ago - - -

On behalf of the Lads from SF Platoon Wick I would like to thank you for taking the time and effort to support us out here in Basra.

We have all marvelled at the support shown through the Caithness.org pages and often click on to see what has been posted.

Everybody is still in good spirits. We are all still at the settling in period and our operational tasking leaves little time to ourselves.

At the moment the weather is about 18 -20 Celsius through the day and
about 3-8 Celsius at night but seems a lot colder. We are 3 hours in front of you. So when it is 3pm its 12am with you at home. It gets Dark here about 5pm and daylight is about 7 am our time. The weather for the first time since we arrived it rained. It is winter and we can expect even 3-5 days of consistent rain we have been told.

Our Platoon is the envy in Alamien Company due to the support the people of Caithness has shown, the other Cap Badges have not been so lucky.

A Special thank you, must be given to our own Lord Lt Anne Dunnett who took an early Interest in our training and welfare and actively supported us.
And who has sent us Parcels of gifts and written to each one of us individually.

I would also like to thank the following:

Thurso British Legion
North of Scotland Newspapers
D.R. Simpsons
Hillhead Christian Fellowship
The Salvation Army (Wick Corp)
To name but a few

Also the Biggest Thank You goes to our Wife's and loved ones who we have left behind.

We will be home as soon as we can.

Yours Aye

Capt KC Mackay

mums angels
10-Dec-06, 12:21
Thanks for posting the message...glad to hear that they are all still in good spirits...

hope they get home safley soon

10-Dec-06, 12:26
thats good to hear from them, it is a hard job that they are doing, and especially hard for their families!!!!!!

10-Dec-06, 12:27
Thanks for keeping us up-to-date Commander Kev.

Keep up the good work.

10-Dec-06, 12:52
That was just Great to hear from Cpt MacKay... many thanks for taking time to keep us informed of your wellbeing.
We think of you all each day and send our very best wishes.


10-Dec-06, 13:06
Dear Kev

We love and miss you very much. Say hi to the rest of the boys.

Erinn xx and Ross xx

10-Dec-06, 13:15
What a time of year to be away from home - thoughts are with you all and to your families too. Safe home

john harrold
10-Dec-06, 15:27
Hi LADS all of the SF Platoon

Nice to hear from you, Hope you are all looking after each other, checking each others feet etc know what I mean , just like the old days!. I will be thinking of you all , knowing that you have a hard time in front of you, but I know that you are all more than up to the task in hand, There is nothing to worry about back home as we will all muck in together to help one another.
well lads pitty i could not be with you, Just to show you how to play volley ball if nothing else . STAG ON
yours trinkie_1

Bill Fernie
10-Dec-06, 16:48
Captain Mackay has been back in touch to say he hopes to be sending a few photos of them all shortly and in coming weeks.

We will post them as soon as we are able to depending on when they are sent.

10-Dec-06, 17:24
Spike here posting under the missus flag of convenience.

Great to hear from you KC. Make sure ye all get back safe and well. Is it true that Supermac is devastated aboot his fence fallin doon? Tell him that "Carry-on Construction" (aka Dounreay Projects) canna function wi`oot him an his deeger. Jamsie boy disna hev e same touch.

Seriously boys, all the best for the festive season and indeed any other season.

Bill Fernie
10-Dec-06, 18:35
The last posting date for FREE items to the men in Iraq was Fiday 8th but you can still send items to reach them and pay the postage.
Send mail care of -

Certain things cannot be sent See http://www.bfpo.mod.uk/freepacketservice.htm

10-Dec-06, 18:53
All the best guys make the best of xmas & come home safely!

10-Dec-06, 19:08
All the best guys... wishing you a safe Christmas and New Year!

10-Dec-06, 19:39
Awww isn't that lovely, made me cry:(

Thinking of you all, keep your spirits up xxxx

10-Dec-06, 19:56
Good to hear of you all; my thoughts are with you.
A special "Hello" to Roddy from an SAS Mum. ;)

10-Dec-06, 20:05
take care and a safe return,watch the other mckay roddie lol

North Rhins
10-Dec-06, 20:07
From one who served to those who now serve, may the Big Man upstairs watch over you and bring you all back home safely to your families and loved ones.
God speed.

10-Dec-06, 21:26
Take care guys and wish you all a safe return home. KC our thoughts are with you always - the tools are in shed awaiting your return. Taf, Lopy and the boys are also asking after you. xx

10-Dec-06, 21:55
Thanks for the INFO - - Take care Look after yer Buddy and come home safe and sound Keep your spirits up

10-Dec-06, 22:25
Best of luck guys - thinking about you all out there, and your families here. Safe return home.

11-Dec-06, 04:01
When ever you think you that you can't do right for doing wrong and nobody cares about you just contact the Org and we will convince you otherwise.

Just make sure that you all have the best Christmas and Hogmanay you can under the circumstances and make sure you all keep your heads and your back-sides down.

All the Best to all of you over there.

11-Dec-06, 10:40
From a Telic 2 Wicker, now just down the road from you.....

If any you find yourselves down in Kuwait on R&R or any other reason, give me a bell and I'll make sure there's a good reception, or at least show you where the best shops are!

All the best lads, and watch out for those ninjas!

+965 9608485

11-Dec-06, 15:01
Keep safe lads our thoughts are with you and all your families

11-Dec-06, 16:06
Look after yourself guys. Im sure all us mums feel like you are all our sons

Keep safe x

11-Dec-06, 17:33
Hi Kevin,
I was pleased to read your news and it was a great description you gave of life out there.

You and the other Caithness Lads will do well and get on fine Iam sure at least you will escape the baking heat of the summer.

Keep going and have as good a time as is possible and keep giving us interesting newsletters - as few of us know what it is really like out there.


With best wishes from us all in Aberdeen

Uncle John:D

the nomad
11-Dec-06, 17:43
A pint will be waiting for you at Grannies in Embo Kev.

11-Dec-06, 22:29
A big hello to Roddy Mackay out in Basra doin us proud along with all the other boys. Think about you guys a lot, take care and well done your so brave x

Your cousins in Thurso, Babs, Mon and Arl ;) x

13-Dec-06, 00:54
We are all thinking of you, especially at christmas. Hi roddy and davie, you know who i am!

13-Dec-06, 00:58
Keep up the good work lads.

13-Dec-06, 01:03
You can tell Robbie that we got his Christmas Card at work. All the best from the shift.

13-Dec-06, 13:39
Thinking of you all and wishing you a safe stay and speedy return.

Best wishes to your families and loved ones.

13-Dec-06, 17:42
Great to hear from you Captain Mackay, and I'm so pleased to hear that everyone is still in good spirits! This is a very difficult time for you and your families right now, and my heart goes out to you all. God bless each and every one of you, and may He keep you safe and well.

14-Dec-06, 22:31
All the Best Capt. KC Mackay - I'll keep the Motown going as long as you're away, I know you hate it anyway.

All the Best Mate.

15-Dec-06, 00:03
[QUOTE=evelyn;170418]Spike here posting under the missus flag of convenience.

Great to hear from you KC. Make sure ye all get back safe and well. Is it true that Supermac is devastated aboot his fence fallin doon? Tell him that "Carry-on Construction" (aka Dounreay Projects) canna function wi`oot him an his deeger. Jamsie boy disna hev e same touch.


Don't be shy- tell him about the success story that is the Seep.

18-Dec-06, 13:23
Have a great Xmas lads and lasses, hope you ALL return home safe and well. jan x

19-Dec-06, 13:05
Hope you are all well, keeping out of the sick room naming no names. You know who you are. Hope your all receiving your parcels and hiding things well.
Have a good xmas and hope to see you all when your home on leave. From a Helmets Wife x

20-Dec-06, 12:58
Merry xmas lads and come home safe x

20-Dec-06, 13:56
since my origial message seens to have diapeared i shall try agai..!! supermac keep the swed doon and the crack up roddie kev robin and johny and all the lads from A/coy 51st brigade scots div queens own highlanders as was. keep up the good work and come home safe to kith and kin if i see you guys the beers on me. <S>

20-Dec-06, 15:01
Merry Christmas to you all out there. Keep safe.

20-Dec-06, 15:24
To all the lads out in Basrah, but especially Roddy Mackay, here's hoping you have good Christmas. When it's time to come home I'll keep my eyes open for you if you come back through Oxfordshire. Haste ye back lads.

Gavin Geddes and family, Carterton, Oxfordshire

21-Dec-06, 00:01
Just to let my favourite nephew, Robin Green from Wick know I am thinking of him and wish him a happy xmas and a good new year. I will have a wee drammy for you.

Luv Auntie El xxxx

21-Dec-06, 10:43
To all the Caithness Lads and Lassies
Have a peaceful Christmas and New Year and all come home safely.
We are all thinking of you.

22-Dec-06, 14:56
merry xmas and see you in the new year,well miss you out here in staxigoe no one to put your sister home wa ,but well get a dram when you get back to wick from your cousins in staxigoe

22-Dec-06, 21:49
I wish you guys out on the line a quiet christmas a good new year and a happy return home in 2007 will have a dram for you I think, if your four hours ahead then I would have a drink at 2100 CET, and again at 0100 for u folks in Caithness

22-Dec-06, 23:46
Just a wee message for Roddy and the boys in Basra. Hope the scoffs good and you all have a great Xmas and a peaceful New year! 'CABERFEIDH'
From all the guys at Wick ambulance station... PS.. Thanks for all the recalls Roddy!:lol:

22-Dec-06, 23:49
Merry Christmas to you all, safe home!

24-Dec-06, 01:15
To Purdy(KC),Big Al(Mushroom Man)and the rest of the fantastic clan.We up here in sunny Wick(not)and Caithness are so proud of you all.You are doing a great job and we are all thinking of you.We look forward to seeing you ALL back safely home.Have a Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year. Love Alistair,Catherine and Daniel James Ross.xox

24-Dec-06, 12:09
Hi LADS all of the SF Platoon

Nice to hear from you, Hope you are all looking after each other, checking each others feet etc know what I mean , just like the old days!. I will be thinking of you all , knowing that you have a hard time in front of you, but I know that you are all more than up to the task in hand, There is nothing to worry about back home as we will all muck in together to help one another.
well lads pitty i could not be with you, Just to show you how to play volley ball if nothing else . STAG ON
yours trinkie_1

Well said john. Dont suppose they have the same amount of Bacardi that we downed on out long troop train journey!!!!



25-Dec-06, 09:51
Before I do a thing - I want to wish you all a Very Happy Christmas.
I sincerely hope you are able to enjoy a little of it - and remember we are all thinking about you here and send Love and Best Wishes.


25-Dec-06, 13:09
Hi, KC & the boys wish you all the best on your tour in iraq i now you will all do a great job . Wish you all a merry christmas & a Happy New I will have a dram for you at the Bells. I wish all of you a safe and speedy return home to your loved ones.

25-Dec-06, 13:28
Merry Christmas to the Magnificent Twelve, and all other members of Alamein company 7RRS.

Sounds like one big party at the Basra copshop last night, I heard the neighbours were kept up all night.

Make sure SuperMac get the turkey leg today, as he was complaining in the local rag.

I hope this finds you all well, and look after each other.

John Margaret & Family.:)

john harrold
25-Dec-06, 16:45
To John Harrold and all the boys

Hope you are all well and making the best of today! Hope you have had a good feed and managed to get a dram out of it.

Merry Christmas


John, Norma, Kenneth, Evelyn, Gavin and Scott

26-Dec-06, 03:49
Hi to all the boys wishing you a merry christmas and a happy new year and a safe return home xx

mr do dar
26-Dec-06, 09:45
well said taylor.4 xxx

26-Dec-06, 12:59
Wishing you all the best over the festive season. Your never far from our thoughts.
David, Alice, Kerry and Liam xx

29-Dec-06, 22:51
Well I hope you have a great New Year under the circumstances. Bet your all looking forward to your R&R not long now, you will be counting down the weeks, like us wives & family at home. Hope to see some of you when you come home, probably in the pub. Keep your heads down, love Helmets Wife X

Schoolhouse Blues
30-Dec-06, 03:05
To every one of the Caithnesian TAs in BASRA, very best wishes for the new year. I'm sure you'll be thinking of home on Hogmany - rest assured you will be in the thoughts of more than you could imagine at the bells on Sunday night.

As a Dounreay plants guy, I should say a special hello to KC and Alan Macdonald. Take care gents.

David Manson & family at Lieurary.

30-Dec-06, 03:09
Well I hope you & your familys a Healthy & happy New Year under the circumstances.

Wishing you a safe journey home.

All the best for 2007 & beyond.

Alice in Blunderland
30-Dec-06, 11:42
My thoughts are with you all today. Have a good New Year and safe journey home.

Hello to Jills dad Robert from Nicola Oag she sends you her love cant wait to you come home when she will be looking to annoy you at the next sleepover with Jill. :lol:

30-Dec-06, 12:01
Happy New Year to all the folk in Alamein, hope peace reigns and you have a quiet safe tour. Safe home.

hungryhill aliens
31-Dec-06, 14:17
Hey Kev just a short message to you and the boys to wish you all a good safe new year when it comes . we will be thinking of you tonite and will have a few drinks on you ,and a few more than that when you get home! LOTS OF LOVE MR AND MRS GRIZZLY X X X [evil] MR GRIZZLY 2MORO


31-Dec-06, 15:43
To all the TA lads from Caithness in Alamein company. Best wishes to you all at this time of year. Hope that you have as good a new year as I will be out on this bloody oil rig with nae booze!!!

All the best Gary Sinclair (Sinky). See ya when ur home on leave mate


31-Dec-06, 19:56
To my husband, Kevin Mackay, and all his men in Alamein Company, 7th Scots.

Hope you'll all have a good day, your in our thoughts back home.

Happy 2007.

Erinn xx

Alice in Blunderland
01-Jan-07, 10:53
Thinking of you all this morning speedy return and have a peacefull new year. :)

01-Jan-07, 16:04
A Toast
by R MacKay
c. 1949

Wi a drop in the bottle an' a cronie or twa
We'll no' gie a thocht tae the year that's awa'
Wi' stories an' sangs a' brithers we'll be
Wi' a smile on wir faces an a licht in wir e'e
We'll think o' wir freens far awa' ower the sea
An' we'll drink to their health tho' it's maybe wi' tea,
But tae Kaitness fowk that's awa' an' are here,
I wish a' the best an' a Happy New Year.

Alice in Blunderland
05-Jan-07, 20:52
Hiya Dad/Robbie,
got as drunk as a skunk at new year,
new boyfriend has peircings and tattoos all over,
you should see his cool pink hair with a blue strip,
mam bought me a new short skirt you would hate,
getting ma belly button done next week,
got a copy of your credit card hitting the designer shops tomorrow,
love you lots missing you heaps,
Jill and Nicola.xxxxxxxxxx


nah we are more responsible than to take advantage of the fact that you are thousands of miles away,
any wee jobs you want me to do before you come back(£10.00 a hour),
this is all nicola's fault she is telling me what to write,
must go and party now,
will post again soon to let you and your mates know what i have been up to,:lol:

07-Jan-07, 00:32
This 81 year old WWII US Marine wishes the best for these Scot troops and prays for a safe return trip home for all of them.

09-Jan-07, 01:24
Just to let my cousin ,David Mowat from Watten know I am thinking of him and wish him all the best from the German part of the Family.cu

12-Jan-07, 13:34
Kev, pass on best regards to the rest of the platoon from the ACF in Caithness. We are all very proud of the contribution you guys are making to the establishment of peacefull democracy in very difficult circumstances. We all know that morale will never be a problem with such good mates in the SF platoon.

yours aye


p.s. tell supermac ee young chiel wil probably hev 3 tapes by ee time he gets home.

Alice in Blunderland
18-Jan-07, 23:44
Robbie not long now until some rest and relaxation enjoy your while home with your family in February.:D Jill is looking forward to it and Nicola hopes to see you then whether you want to see her or not. :cool:

28-Jan-07, 19:59
Wish you guys all the best from an ex 2RGJ soldier from Wick.
I know and appreciate what you guys are going through but take strength in the knowledge we are all thinking of you and "Haste ye Back".
Keep your heads down and your spirits up(they'll be plenty spirits when you get home!)

04-Feb-07, 03:13
Some of you are back home in Caithness just now, have a great holiday and lots of rest.

07-Feb-07, 15:36
Here, Supermac, where did you leave the keys for the truck?

Kidding. Hurry up and get home safe the lot of you.

08-Feb-07, 13:12
Hope you are all in good spirits.

This is a message to John Harrold from all your colleagues at Nicolson Engineering. Thanks for your message at christmas, we missed you at the lunch party, but raised a glass to you anyway!

We would like to hear your news, and how things are with you in Basra. Its probably a bit different from NES!

All the best and please get in touch, you can email us from our web site.

Alice in Blunderland
18-Feb-07, 08:52
Hi Robbie Nicola sends you a big (((((((hug))))))) hope you are not missing her cheeky face too much .;)

No need to ask if you enjoyed your break at home and feel refreshed for the rest of your trip, may it pass quickly and you will soon be home again. :D

18-Feb-07, 19:38
To David
Absence diminishes small loves and increases great
ones, as the wind blows out the candle and blows up the bonfire.
Thinking of you always
Missing you, Kissing you
Loving you

08-Mar-07, 21:04
Just a note to wish all the troops in Iraq all the best, we think about you all the time, especially the 'reme' in Basra.

Bill Fernie
10-Mar-07, 20:21
Just in a Big Photo Gallery of the Caithness men in Basra, Iraq.


10-Mar-07, 22:02
Just in a Big Photo Gallery of the Caithness men in Basra, Iraq.


The guys are looking well.

21-Mar-07, 14:22
Just saw one of our caithness lads Angus Mackay on bbc lunchtime news...Good on yeez boys!

Doug Country
31-Mar-07, 09:41
Any news on when the Caithness Boys will be coming home, May/June?

These guys should be given the freedom of Caithness or something.

Parades in every town and village in Caithness, anyone agree?

13-Apr-07, 14:40
Job well done (http://www.michaelyon-online.com/wp/british-forces-at-war-as-witnessed-by-an-american.htm) - reported by an American reporter.

15-Apr-07, 08:56
Any news on when the Caithness Boys will be coming home, May/June?

These guys should be given the freedom of Caithness or something.

Parades in every town and village in Caithness, anyone agree?

What about all the other Caithness lads who are regular soldiers, airmen, seamen who have served in the gulf already are are likely to go back or to afghanistan?

Hopefully they should all be home in little over 5 weeks not that Im counting the days.........yet!

10-May-07, 14:34
It’s the first day of May, hip -hooray,
Counting down the days, till you’re on your way.
Basra goodbye, you’ll never see again,
Life can go on for you and the Men.

For the wives & children, it will be a glorious day.
Watching proudly as you parade on 24th May.
Stand to Attention, At Ease, Dismissed.
And in our arms you’ll be hugged & kissed.

Homeward journey, all travelling together
The sun will shine, it’ll be glorious weather
Heading to Caithness, northward bound
Home at last, and we’ll all sleep sound.

10-May-07, 14:36
Since last year our worlds have been shattered
Our hearts and minds both torn and tattered
Since learning of your call up to Basra that day
Hoping you’ll come home safely, we pray.

The months have passed, quickly some say?
No-one understands how we feel from day to day.
Our torment, our grief, our crying, our fears
For our loved one who was called away

The clocks have gone forward, the nights are getting light
Eight weeks to pass, and the end is in sight
You’ve done your duty, to your Country and Men
And at the end of May we can start living our lives again.

Hurry home xx

10-May-07, 14:38
In a fortnights time, we’ll once again cry,
But its for joy this time, and not one of goodbye.
Home at last, to the ones who love you dear,
And to those loved ones who no longer have to live with fear.

Fear and anxiety for the husband & father so far away,
And the not-knowing of what could happen from day to day.
Seven more nights of sleeping under the stars,
Before you take to the skies and fly from afar.

Iraq to Kuwait, on to Cypus you will fly,
Landing in the UK, no doubt a tear in your eye.
7 months have passed; you’re all fit and well,
But take a moment to think of your Comrades who fell.

You have been blessed, you’ll be home safe and sound,
Keep your head held high, you’ve done yourself proud.
To serve with Alamein Company has been a great achievement,
The 7th Scots should be proud of your tour of engagement.

All our love xx

17-May-07, 07:58
Hi All

Just to say have a safe journey, and hopefully the sandstorms wont delay the flights too long. Have a good time at your stop-off in Cyprus. See you all next week.

Kev - love you lots, take care.

Erinn xxxxxx

Bill Fernie
24-May-07, 19:28
See BBC -

24-May-07, 20:05
Welcome home boys!

24-May-07, 22:11
Welcome home guys, endex, job well done.

Missy Wick
24-May-07, 22:45
Welcome home Robin and the rest of the team
glad to have you home safely
claire, graham and russell

24-May-07, 23:26
The Caithness voice on the Moray Firth Radio report earlier caught my attention. Well done lads - it's good to have you all home safe & well :D

Doug Country
26-May-07, 20:59
KC and the lads, its great that you're home safe.

Have you noticed that this post has been viewed nearly 13,000 times, it is the 3rd most viewed post ever in this forum, that just shows the Caithness support behind you all.

Well done!

27-May-07, 00:39
Good to see you all home safely; well done to everyone!

28-May-07, 07:51
Welcome Home - and very many thanks for all you have done.


03-Jun-07, 19:14
Welcome home lads well done to you all, a well deserved rest now with all your familys and freinds.Have a good time, with a few well deserved drams.

Bill Fernie
09-Jun-07, 02:32
I hope everyone has said welcome back and I am now unsticking the thread. It will still be linked in the TA section http://www.caithness.org/territorialarmy/index.htm

Great to see everyone home.