View Full Version : Any recommendations please

23-Aug-12, 20:44
We have a wired coated jack russell which my partner got as a rescue dog when the dog was roughly 3 years old. When my partner got him he had absolutely no fur on any of his paws due to be locked indoors for long periods of time by his previous owner. He stilk constantly chews his paws which are losing fur due to his chewing and are discoloured with his salivia. Any recommendations on what to help him? He has eczema in his paws. Ive tried cream on them and putting bandages on them but he just pulls it off. Ive even tried putting baby socks on his paws but he just pulls it off

23-Aug-12, 21:21
put a cone on him you can get them from the vets and it will stop him chowing on his paws

23-Aug-12, 21:25
I agree, although they aren't very nice, a cone would work well. You can then use creams and that until his paws heal up. He wouldn't always need to wear the cone though. Maybe just to begin with, to get used to it a bit, but otherwise, as long as you keep an eye on him, you shouldn't need it.

Good luck, hope you find a cure for the poor wee guy! x

23-Aug-12, 21:26
Aye we got 1 of them from Pets at home. It only works to a certain degree. Really needing something to clear up his eczema?

23-Aug-12, 21:28
Just try asking at the vets, even if you don't take him in, just ask them what they would advise :) Poor thing! x

23-Aug-12, 22:13
Is it exzema?
Or could it be a contact allergy?
He is exasperating the problem by chewing/licking constantly and it wont heal up until you break the chewing problem.
A cone to stop the chewing, hydrocortisone or a antiseptic/steroid (if inflamed/red raw)or if it smells cheesy a fungal hydrocortisone (candesten hydrocortisone etc) for the exzema and an antihistamine tab for the itch.

mop top
23-Aug-12, 22:14
you could maybe also look at his diet, i have a dog with similiar problems and love the pets at home advanced nutrition sensitive tummy food which is brilliant for sensitive tummies and itchy skin complaints. May not work for all but definitely helps mine. They do a wee 3kg bag so it may be worth a try rather than going the steriods etc route

24-Aug-12, 08:51
You need to find out what is the cause of the itching before you decide how to treat it.
Some dogs are just allergic to alsorts of things and a steroid injection is the only way to help them.
Look up demodectic mange.
Possible causes could be parasites, food intolerances, environmental intolerances, fungal infection, nervousness or a combination of these. Sometimes a habit learned when irritated or stressed can be habitual. Even if the root cause is removed the habit is ingrained.
If he was mine I would give him a good Spot On treatment and put him on a no cereal diet. If there was no improvement after that I would probably consult a vet.
There is a product called Stop It All that treats many of these conditions without determining a cause, you could try that and see if there is an improvement. It tastes absolutely vile so might help break the habit too.

25-Aug-12, 22:56
our dog had a similar tiny patch on her paw which was raw and bald also (not as bad as your doggy sounds though) as she was licking it constantly it was never healing, we took her to the vet and they put a sort of liquid solution on it which sealed it and gave it a chance to heal ... I would ask the vets advice as they know best. Good luck