View Full Version : Special Christmas offer for dog owners

16-Nov-11, 23:01
Does your dog bark, jump, growl, chew, bite, pull, misbehave or doesn't listen?

I am a dog behaviourist who can help with gentle and simple methods that really work.

Special Christmas offer: Free assessment and 20% off the first two sessions.

If you have adopted a dog from KWK9 or SSPCA Balmore in the past please contact me for an even further discount!

Book your dog in now for a free assessment. Most problems are solved in 4 sessions.

Give yourself a break for Christmas and change your dogs behaviour for the better.
If you are not happy with the outcome of a session you simply don't pay me.

Click on my name now and send me a message for free advice :-)

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/320565_10150361951935811_663960810_8871339_1596622 101_n.jpg

16-Nov-11, 23:06
Why could you not have offered this afore I moved to Aberdeen????

21-Nov-11, 15:10
What is the cost for a session ?