View Full Version : Loch Watten Sunset

25-Aug-11, 07:39
its been a while since I had the right lens or the time to do my favourite type of photography, sunrise/sunsets. Had the opportunity last night to shoot a sunset and theres something so magical about watching the sun going down and the world changing colour as it does.


26-Aug-11, 00:30
What lens where you using, have tried using a polaroid 1 when taking sunsets/sunrises but does n't seem to make much difference.

26-Aug-11, 06:23
Lizz its a canon 17-40mm f/4, no filters or polarisers on, just brightness/curves and levels adjustments, you have to set your exposure for the sun and then drop it by a couple of stops so as its not overexposed and as the sun is the brightest element of the frame everything else will be dark so you have to play around in PS to bring them back again - do you shoot in RAW or JPG? with RAW its so much easier to tweak back using the gradient adjustment tool

this photo taken last night was taken at F/22 to get the starburst effect on the sun, almost everything in the foreground was black with no detail at all but with playing around I was able to bring it all back where I wanted it

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s720x720/299629_239552149415897_177462558958190_602204_2073 490_n.jpg

16-Sep-11, 21:57
Nice shots Julie. The second one is class!

16-Sep-11, 22:00
One of mine from loch Watten


16-Sep-11, 23:23
Unfortunately dragonfly I don't have a very advanced camera so many of those functions are not available to me.

17-Sep-11, 10:33
Unfortunately dragonfly I don't have a very advanced camera so many of those functions are not available to me.

Lizz, your photos are good, I prefer them to the electonically enhanced type.

21-Sep-11, 15:23
Unfortunately dragonfly I don't have a very advanced camera so many of those functions are not available to me.

using software such as picasa's (http://picasa.google.com) will pull up the midtones and give some contrast without manipulating the image too much