View Full Version : Dog trainiing volunteering

22-Jun-11, 14:32
I have passed on 3 modules (out of 10) of a Level 3 Canine Study Diploma course and am awaiting results for module 1 of the ADTB dog trainer course.

To gain practical experience I would like to volunteer with a local dog trainer but there only seem to be two. One of them didn't answer my emails and the other one stated that I would have to be accredited with the Kennel Club as her insurance company won't allow volunteering otherwise - which is a catch 22 situation as I'm not a trainer yet and at present am doing the courses out of personal interest.

Does anyone have any ideas how I can get experience and volunteer?

Thanks for reading.

22-Jun-11, 14:36
How about 'volunteer' dogs to work with?

22-Jun-11, 14:39
Not sure if people would trust me enough to let me have their dogs to train ...

22-Jun-11, 14:57
I have one in mind, I don't think you could make him any worse! :eek:

22-Jun-11, 18:36
I've got one that could do with a bit of training!

22-Jun-11, 20:25
I have a dog need of training! He's a nightmare! Took him to paid training and we weren't allowed in the class, had to have one-one. He behaved perfect, doing agility, jumping through hoop s etc all off the lead perfectly under control. But he minute we left the place he was at it even though I was doing all the "right" things, you'd think he knew he was at school. Gave up going! He's a lovely dog but there's no way I could let him off the lead in an open space I wouldn't trust him to come back when called. Your more than welcome to come work on him!