View Full Version : Political crushes

17-Jun-11, 23:09
Which politician would the orgers most like to marry- if they were free and single?

I'm in total love with David Cameron.....

18-Jun-11, 12:33
Which politician would the orgers most like to marry- if they were free and single?

I'm in total love with David Cameron.....

Probably Caroline Lucas if I was single but I'm not totally green with envy.

18-Jun-11, 12:39
I reckon Ann Widdecombe is a fox. ;)

Corrie 3
18-Jun-11, 13:05
If I were Gay I would go for the Ginger Rodent....Then I could shaft him every night!!!!!!!!!!!!!


secrets in symmetry
18-Jun-11, 13:11
Who could resist the sophisticated taste and style of this luscious lady?

http://lh3.ggpht.com/_xM6S1O620QE/SdLShl-qxfI/AAAAAAAAJjk/9rI3UmLX3xg/s800/Alaska Governer Sarah Palin Vice President Candidate.jpg

18-Jun-11, 14:03
I have the best wife that a man could have. She is faithful and a perfect mother to my/our children. They just don't come any better. She does not qualify as a politician. She is much better.