View Full Version : please someone HELP

25-Feb-11, 23:30
Okay here we go

Ipod touch and me = disaster
I am totally gonna lose the plot if I canna figure this out.
My son(8) enterred a Pass code on his Ipod. Never wrote the number down(silly) then when we tried to get onto the stupid thing it wouldn't let us. We googled what to do and learned from it that we would have to reset the settings so all the stuff on the ipod had to be saved to our netbook. Since we have done this we have now got another problem.
Even when trying to download free games it says enter payment method as there was a problem with a previous payment. All downloads are paid and up to date. So I have no idea what this is about!! It won't let us do anything. Has anyone else had a similar problem? I can't stand the bloomin thing, been nothing but hassle since we got it. Hope someone can help.

25-Feb-11, 23:36
You maybe just need to update your Apple Account Settings on the iPod itself (i.e. re-enter the card details that are linked to your existing account). Might be worth a try :-)

25-Feb-11, 23:39
Google specialist ipod forums. Theres bound to be a clued up whippersnapper there.

25-Feb-11, 23:39
not much use but i have a similar problem, changed computers and nearly all my purchased songs (from itunes) state they are not authorised to play, frustrating as there are loads there and like you bought and paid for

25-Feb-11, 23:53
thanks for your response guys/gals did reenter the account details and still no joy. Nothing is straight forward with Ipod!!! I may only be 36 but technology is seriously starting to do ma head in. I'll keep trying.........aaarrrgghhhh

26-Feb-11, 00:02
You might need to 'authorise' the ipod on the account. Not sure how it works but you get I think 5 ipods / iphones etc. per account. If you've reset the ipod the 'account' might think it is a 'new' ipod.
This might make some sense, one of the reasons I gave me iphone away, they're crap.

Also something else to try: I had an iphone that during an update locked up, was complete paperweight tackle. But using a different PC which never had Itunes on before(had to download it etc.) it rebooted and recovered to the account profile.

26-Feb-11, 00:26
Even when trying to download free games it says enter payment method as there was a problem with a previous payment. All downloads are paid and up to date. So I have no idea what this is about!! It won't let us do anything. Has anyone else had a similar problem? I can't stand the bloomin thing, been nothing but hassle since we got it. Hope someone can help. I have had this problem there shud be something where you can query this with Apple and they shud sort it x

26-Feb-11, 01:29
resynch it with the copy of itunes on the pc that it was originally setup on using the same user login on the pc
dont forget each windows USER has an itunes folder if you've sych'd it under the wrong user log-in it will give that error.

if that cannot be done.

you need to first setup itunes with the correct details, then sych the itouch to itunes.

[make sure THAT named itouch is listed on the lefthand side in tunes.

you also get this issue if the credit card or paypal a/c has expired or a new card has been issued.

get itunes working FIRST so it gets games etc [just get a cheap 59p game]
then resych the itouch.


26-Feb-11, 11:31
If the ipod is anything like the iphone u would have to try hooking up the ipod to itunes and go click on the ipod touch icon on the left hand side of itunes were the devices is and then u should be able to check for update sync or restore you would have to restore then sync after that.
On that password u can set it so if u enter the password wrong more than 10 times it wipes the device u should always have the password on if u ever lose the ipod its easy for anyone to get to ure email or what ever app u have on your touch if its not password protected?
I cant see there being any way of doing it directly through the ipod it would defeat the object of a password being enabled thats why i would say it would definatley have to be fixed though the laptop or pc were you normally connect the ipod touch up to update and so on ?
Go and buy a £10 itunes voucher and put it into ure account if you or anyone else is buying apps of the itunes the reciept should come to the email address of the itunes account holder there
There is some games were u can buy add ons and u think its free but its not your son could have easily got mixed up with that without relising

26-Feb-11, 12:44
this is why i would never have a ipod, ipad or have anything to do with itunes. If I buy something, I want to be in control of it and not Apple.

26-Feb-11, 16:43
not much use but i have a similar problem, changed computers and nearly all my purchased songs (from itunes) state they are not authorised to play, frustrating as there are loads there and like you bought and paid for

are you not supposed to do a back up off all your stuff on it so when you change computers you just run the back up disk?

26-Feb-11, 20:54
this is why i would never have a ipod, ipad or have anything to do with itunes. If I buy something, I want to be in control of it and not Apple.

Quite - I agree whole-heartedly.

26-Feb-11, 21:33
I dont know if this is to late but if you get in touch with itunes they will sort it out and give you any credits if you can't download any of your old tunes it happend to me.

26-Feb-11, 22:13
cheers for that Andy, how do you get in touch with itunes tho?