View Full Version : Jenny Horne d. 1951

05-Feb-11, 11:39
It's 60yrs ago this month that our good Caithness Poet died, but he left
a wealth of poems for us to enjoy and treasure.
Our thanks .

Matchless “Jenny Horne”

Dedicated to the memory of my old friend “Jenny Horne.”

The auld wife on her three-legged stool,
To her last home was borne;
She’ll write no more a merry verse,
Dear, matchless “Jenny Horne.”

This man of worth, salt of the earth,
Botanist, Bard, orator,
Sportsman and friend, right to the end,
Now dwells with his Creator.

Donald – a man of many parts,
Whom they have laid to rest;
Donald! Who reigned within our hearts,
Now reigns among the blest!

Donald or “Jenny,” it matters not,
The name by which he was known,
There’s not another will take his place,
Dear, matchless “Jenny Horne.”
