View Full Version : Rabbits teeth

04-Feb-11, 19:31
My rabbit is prone to getting overgrown teeth and we get them trimmed regularly. We got them trimmed about a month ago but today she wouldn't eat her food and so when i picked her up I noticed that her 2 top teeth have fallen out

Is this normal for a rabbit to lose it's teeth?

04-Feb-11, 19:44
I just typed a reply and it is not there grr
Absolutely not normal this must be treated as an emergency as if a rabbit does not eat for 24 hours the gut becomes static and it is very hard to save them. You must see the vet. Is she a wire puller on her hutch as this is the main cause of tooth loss.
The vet should be able to give you food to syringe feed her, pureed vegetable baby food has also been known to be successful.

snow tiger
04-Feb-11, 19:49
I have the same issue with one off my rabbits i have to get his teeth cut every month, by the vet they clip the top ones then take a Dremel to the botton, as Unicorn suggested this is odd that the teeth have fallen out, i too have noticed teeth falling out with wire pulling, but see the vet as this is serious if they are not eating.

04-Feb-11, 22:14
We don't have a cage or hutch for her and a friend advised me to add water to her pellets to soften them so she will be able to eat them easily. Just don't get why it both teeth fell out

04-Feb-11, 22:59
Get your bunny to the vet ASAP!
Or you will lose her.
This is an emergency....death is the outcome if you dont go!

04-Feb-11, 23:01
She will be in pain and will require some pain relief, she will not try to eat if sore. The best course of action to feed her would be syringe. I would not hesitate to see the vet.

04-Feb-11, 23:19
If you cannot or cannot afford a weekend visit to the vets the chemists will sell you syringes and tescos will have baby food 4mth jars/pouches with no meat in them or use sloppy porridge..just get something in that goes down!
You will have to do it a few times a day..little and often..and clean up the bunny afterwards..
I had to syringe feed Emma after Chinchin died (chinchillas) as she wouldnt eat...different senario and didnt work...but at least we tried!

04-Feb-11, 23:21
It is easiest if syringe feeding a rabbit to gently insert the syringe into the side of the mouth, not the front, let it have a wee taste at a time, it will eventually normally try to lick it.
(syringe with no needle)