View Full Version : Hello Everyone

12-Aug-06, 10:40
Hi, how are you all? I have been madly painting for the last week. And I am happy to say that it is finished, at last!
It has taken nearly 6 months because my dad and I have been doing, but it is just fantastic.
So be warned, I am back.

12-Aug-06, 10:56
So, what's next after your painting? Writing?

12-Aug-06, 11:03
So, what's next after your painting? Writing?

Absolutely. I have been hard at it for the last few days. Took the laptop in the truck today and got in quite a few hours revising, ( using caithness.org info ofcourse), and finishing off a chapter.
I am trying to exercise a bit of discipline, and write, not lurking around the forum quite so much. Hopefully I will get the first draught finished soon. Then comes the fun bit, polishing.

12-Aug-06, 11:09
What word length are you aiming at?

12-Aug-06, 11:17
20,000 - 30,000 I think, I am about1/2 way and it feels like it is starting to build nicely. I am currently trying to write out a chapter plan, so that I can keep it on track and not just get carried away dribbling on. I think it would be a bit too easy for me not to keep to my planned story line. I have to continually check my focus.

12-Aug-06, 11:23
I don't know what time frame your story occupies but its always an idea to keep a wee 'timetable' on paper beside you when developing the story - helps make sure you fit things in accurately. Times/days/ etc etc.

12-Aug-06, 11:29
I don't know what time frame your story occupies but its always an idea to keep a wee 'timetable' on paper beside you when developing the story - helps make sure you fit things in accurately. Times/days/ etc etc.
Fantastic idea, I kinda have a card file with bits and peices on it and I had started writing a day/chapter card, but I didn't eally keep it up. But I will, so that I can keep a better track. Thanks for that. Are you a writer? Also do you know of where I might find a good english/gaelic dictionary online? I have a few words that I have found and am not sure of them.

12-Aug-06, 11:36
No, I'm not a writer though have written and been published but that was 'in another life' lol.
Several years ago I belonged to two Creative Writing Groups some years ago, both were good to help hone skills by lots of good advice and plenty of practice right across all genres. Look around your area and see if there is one near you or, failing that, try and get one started. They pay dividends.
Cannot help with Gaelic though - sorry.

Tiger Jones
12-Aug-06, 11:53
...Also do you know of where I might find a good english/gaelic dictionary online? I have a few words that I have found and am not sure of them.You might find something useful here...


Or here...


12-Aug-06, 14:59
Glad your on a roll with your scipt,wish i could focus and get down to some real creative stuff,seem to be picking things up and never finishing them these days.
Kingketter.s right about the creative writting group there great for support,honing your skills and just being there.
Good luck.:D

12-Aug-06, 15:25
Glad your on a roll with your scipt,wish i could focus and get down to some real creative stuff,seem to be picking things up and never finishing them these days.
Kingketter.s right about the creative writting group there great for support,honing your skills and just being there.
Good luck.:D

You (Cuddlepop) in a Writers Group/Circle? I believe there was one in Skye (maybe still there only I'm out of touch).

12-Aug-06, 15:43
There was one but its like everything else on Skye it fell to the wayside.
A group of us still stay it touch,indeed i met a very good friend through it.:D

12-Aug-06, 15:55
The Scottish Association of Writers used to hold an annual weekend conference. I remember it being held in Crieff, then Blairgowrie - no idea current info on it. However, they have so much collective knowhow & experience they may be able to help get another group running.

I'd be happy to help if I was able.

13-Aug-06, 05:00
20,000 - 30,000 I think, I am about1/2 way and it feels like it is starting to build nicely. I am currently trying to write out a chapter plan, so that I can keep it on track and not just get carried away dribbling on. I think it would be a bit too easy for me not to keep to my planned story line. I have to continually check my focus. I hope you are going to post on here where we in the boondocks can get a hold of a copy When you are finished it http://forum.caithness.org/images/icons/icon6.gif

13-Aug-06, 21:32
I will definately make sure my book is specially available to all the orgers and members and junior members, as you all have helped write it.

I actually attend two writing groups, one that I love and the other that is a bit of a waste of time. The second is a waste of time in that I feel that the time I spend attending could be put to better use writing "Castle Quest". They do writing exercises and each week we take turns to set a tutorial. I enjoy the writing, but found that my novel was starting to sound a bit choppy because I was constantly writing all these short peices of prose. I was losing the flow. So I am going to quit that one I think. The other is smaller and at the moment we a writing a sunday school play. Every year I do a play or movie for the kids end of year presentation. Last year I bought a video camera and made a movie based (loosely) on "Pilgrim's Progress" Wow, didn't that take some time. The filming only took a couple of days, but the editing and production took hundreds of hours. To the point where my usually easy going husband banned me from ever doing the play again. But as I actually like doing it, I convinced him that should do it again. Mind you he can ban all he likes, he knows that I don't take any notice of him anyway when I want to do something.
I think this book with have pages of acknowledgements and thanks to all the good people of Caithness.

13-Aug-06, 22:09
Persevere with the group you aren't struck on. Good writing is sometimes helped by fluency in other genres, styles, paces etc. Be versatile not regimented. Discipline yourself to write as of the moment, not just what you prefer. Once you've been supplying to a publisher for a while, then specialise, not before.

13-Aug-06, 22:22
Persevere with the group you aren't struck on. Good writing is sometimes helped by fluency in other genres, styles, paces etc. Be versatile not regimented. Discipline yourself to write as of the moment, not just what you prefer. Once you've been supplying to a publisher for a while, then specialise, not before.
Ok, I will consider myself told. But I don't like the people much either. It is really just a competition on who can write the most wordy prose that essentially says not a whole lot. But I will find another group, there are a few around here.
I don't know why I feel that way, but it is a bit cliquey, if you don't write the way they do you don't fit. I am writing for children and so I have a totally different style. Believe me the waves of disapproval roll continually.
But I will find another, just for you! Just kidding, I agree about being versatile and then disciplined when necessary in my writing.

14-Aug-06, 00:49
Be versatile not regimented. Discipline yourself to write as of the moment, not just what you prefer.I agree with this advice. Most of my prose on here is dreadful because it's regimented for a variety of reasons. My best stuff is usually written in free flow late at night with the IPod at full volume - old-fashioned rock and Italian opera work best for me - and the adrenalin must be flowing feely. I don't worry about typos or logic, they can be fixed in the cold light of morning. It's ages since I wrote anything half-decent on here. I must try harder.

14-Aug-06, 01:37
I agree with this advice. Most of my prose on here is dreadful because it's regimented for a variety of reasons. My best stuff is usually written in free flow late at night with the IPod at full volume - old-fashioned rock and Italian opera work best for me - and the adrenalin must be flowing feely. I don't worry about typos or logic, they can be fixed in the cold light of morning. It's ages since I wrote anything half-decent on here. I must try harder.

Well said in respect of regimentation. Actually, you've summed up the situation for me pretty well. Forums, emails etc do nothing for good writing skills so one really needs to do some de-training if one wishes to produce good quality literature.