View Full Version : Cushing's Disease/ Syndrome

13-Oct-10, 14:04
Anyone come across herbal remedies for Cushing's Disease in Dowgs?

13-Oct-10, 14:15

I would leave that one to the vets. I know herbal can be the answer and I did treat my dog with herbal to begin with. Then there was a knock on effect with diabetes. DS McGregor in Thurso were very successful in treating my dog and I have to commend them.

15-Oct-10, 18:54
There are natural remedies on the market specifically designed to help normalize the adrenal glands’ output of cortisol. Other herbs are helpful at detoxification.

Dandelion - is well-known as a tonic for the liver, kidneys and adrenal glands and will help to normalize adrenal functioning.
Burdock - is a cleansing and eliminating herb and is excellent at detoxifying the tissues and removing unwanted substances from the body.
Finally, any natural remedy should include Arsenicum (for treating excessive thirst), Hepar Sulph (healing irritated skin), and Sulphur (improves the overall condition of the skin).
Mercurius treats your dog's hunger and thirst skin problems, muscular weakness and enlarged liver.

Its advised to seek verterinary advice if on other medication. There is a lot of info on the net if you search for it that will help in a more advanced way.